Jumat, 28 September 2018


The idea of contributing is an exceptionally strategic way that the vast majority have recognized as a wellspring of producing wage without putting much exertion into it and it gets extremely stunning when the investment platform offers chance free on its bundles. Investment is another way of producing automated revenue without you really captivating in any type of exchange or business yet you simply sit whiles your cash works for you. This idea of business has been commended by numerous and has experienced a few turning points as far back as individuals became more acquainted with about it.

Trust it or not nearly everyone can be an ace of something if and just on the off chance that they can saddle the ability to really pull out all the stops. A few people great promoting techniques and aptitudes to really place reserves into great utilizization and set up organizations. Once more, in the realm of business a few firms or association have a steady establishment than others thus in some cases it would truly be not reasonable to fire up a business or an undertaking with that same idea yet to either unite their platform with your assets and be a recipient of their incredible achievement.

These were a portion of the motivation behind why individuals got into putting their well deserved assets into tasks, banks or ventures. However, the inquiry is these investment platforms winning what really they gathered from their important sum. Investment designs that are made in fiat cash on the normal does not produce much benefit for its individuals and it completes more terrible on the off chance that it is our national banks that impose relatively every exchange that is happening on its platform. Toward the finish of the venture platform you will understand that the speculator does not gain much benefit as he/she may have estimated.

VEIAG which is a business venture has made all the essential foundation enquiries into potential tasks that they have chosen to put resources into in light of the fact that it is amateurish to simply put assets of individuals into any undertaking without really making a hypothesis about how plausible or manageable it will be. VEIAG with their accomplished analysts and business expert have spotted potential fields, for example, the Agricultural Sector and Healthcare field. Both the Agriculture and Healthcare fields are extremely wide territories of ventures with sub-areas which we will take a gander at in the ensuing parts that take after.

Innovation has progressed to a high degree that the world right currently is about industrialization in relatively every segment. This colossal industrialization has been distinguished as a source adding to the expansion in worldwide medical issues that most parts of the world faces however it is extremely sad that the ones that endures the most are the creating and immature nations. The worldwide nursery impact has expanded throughout the years now and has added to a ton of maladies that are seen in most creating nations yet the inquiry here is that does these creating and immature nations have human services industry to help bolster them in their therapeutic supplies and furthermore the assembling of social insurance gear.

VEIAG has recognized spots that miss the mark in the creation of medicinal supplies, for example, drugs, therapeutic imbuements, gloves and so forth. Moreover, VEIAG would likewise set up therapeutic production lines that would be dependable in assembling restorative gear and furthermore set up the neighborhood makers with the best in class machines for them to likewise create medicinal hardware.

Agribusiness is one of the biggest parts that utilizes numerous individuals in many nations particularly the creating in nations and VEIAG after distinguishing this immense potential in this division has plan on putting into it this area. This venture will convey a ton of advantages to the general population who are in this distinguished region by diminishing the craving rate, joblessness rate and so on. This would help enhance the way of life of the local individuals as they would likewise pick up salary from their work in the Agricultural undertaking being spearheaded by VEIAG.

Meat items and nourishment is the thing that goes to the brains of individuals whenever domesticated animals raising comes as a primary concern however much to their dismay that this part has various advantages that it can produce when completely abused to its greatest. The domesticated animals part does acquire us sustenance and meat as well as the aggregated waste from the creatures can likewise be prepared to make composts which can be utilized as natural manures on our neighborhood ranches. This would go far to diminish the poisonous quality that the dirt endures because of the modernization of cultivating that is presently going on.

Once more, the skins of these creatures can be utilized for a mess of purposes in the melodic field and furthermore for tasteful purposes. All these will achieve a mess of work conceivable outcomes to the general population which would additionally enhance their lives and way of life and this is all being spearheaded by VEIAG.

The foundation of the VEAIG platform would bring forth a ton of thoughts and undertaking that individuals, individuals or associations would need to expedite board. As inviting as VEIAG is it has set up a key framework which would assess every single approaching venture to know its value and potential that it can offer to the platform and its individuals. This procedure is set up to check the misfortune that some venture platforms neglect to make before getting into any undertaking. This would help secure the assets of individuals from the platform and guarantee that they get customary easy revenue shape their speculations on the platform.

These procedures are Counseling and Assessment, Base Assessment, Matching Process, Physical Assessment and Recruitment. If you don't mind allude to the whitepaper to get more insights about how these procedures are spread out and would likewise work.


There are a few investment platforms that are accessible yet none of them has the bundle and security that the Virtual Economic Academia Investment Guild is putting forth you. It is one of only a handful of venture platforms that acknowledge digital forms of money and has gone further to direct the unpredictability of the cryptographic forms of money by receiving to utilize gold as a benefit backing the VEIAG Token. Join the VEIAG and how about we assemble a solid and stable speculation platform

For more information about this project please follow up on the following contact lines:

Username Profile Btt : Gis15

Kamis, 27 September 2018


I welcome you my dear friends.Today I want to tell you about a very promising project.At coinolix, together with our team, we are developing the first multi-functional cryptocurrency exchange ecosystem, combining a robust exchange platform and a decentralized blockchain Protocol in which digital tokens are tied to one us dollar and backed by a reserve of assets as gold by Coinolix Exchange Limited to provide a decentralized method of value exchange through our Fiat-linked Coinamia coin.

The net exchange of cryptocurrency Coinolix Exchange Limited.
In today's market, there are two types of exchanges: currency exchange on a currency basis and net exchange cryptocurrency. We will focus only on pure cryptocurrency exchange.
The solution to cryptocurrency pegged to the Fiat Coinamia Fiat Coin (USDC).
Peer-to-peer cryptocurrency based on consensus Agreement to provide network security. Each coin block USDC issued, supported in one to one ratio (i.e. one dollar is one dollar) on the relevant pool of assets held by the Bank coinolix Limited.

Trade structures should be developed from an early stage, with security, efficiency, speed and adaptability as a top priority. Numerous exchanges often choose the easiest way to handle running a framework. While this may function well to begin with, as the activity develops, the structure will not be ready to consider the expanded network load. This often deviates from the main promotion of the exchange, but it is essential to achieve the long-term goal.

Since crypto-business is so new, it doesn't quite approach liquidity. The presence of unjustified publishing implies high slippage when trading cryptocurrencies, which is extremely expensive for traders.

Platform security
Almost all cryptocurrency is unchanged, and there is no way to change it after the transaction is made due to the fact that this exchange refuses to take responsibility for the transaction. There are several exchanges that have declined due to hacking.

There are some advanced achievements that exchanges would have won in recognition of attempted burglary. However, these improvements are expensive to the point that exchanges are not able to access them, meaning they can be virtually any programmers like circumventing their security framework.

Poor customer support
Traders are a different breed when it comes to users. Understanding the problem with users is vital to successful sharing. In that moment, when the demonstration of the exchange in a manner that undermines the confidence of a trader, would be unacceptable, which will result in user complaints.

Language support
The cryptocurrency market has no boundaries. Most exchanges focus on only one dialect or one nation, and this leads to poor support for this international market.

Banking barriers
Banks further impede the limitless choice of trading exchanges due to the extremely unstable state of the cryptocurrency market. Banks put them in their back foot when it comes to checking and verifying users ' personal data.

Coinolix Exchange

The relevant engine Coinolix Exchange for management 1 200 000 orders per second. A large number of shopping queries can be resolved with the help of adaptable and scalable engine in a matter of minutes. Along these lines, our matched engine can anchor to one of the fastest and most reliable engines available in the current market. Thus, traders can be saved from major problems such as stuck trading requests or tedious handling of trades.

Peculiar properties:

Trading on the spot market
Margin trading
Futures trading
Language support
We will support English, Chinese, Russian, Japanese and Korean on all our user interfaces. (The most initial release will be in English and Russian only.)

Additional languages will be added over time.

24/7 customer Support:
Instead of providing the customer with a pre-designed scenario, we prefer to share the support and responsibilities that will be shared among our employees and the company so that a specific customer problem can be solved by a designated official on that particular issue.

Security DDoS protection: due to high traffic activity, cryptocurrency exchanges are regularly exposed to DDoS attacks. We use a secure distributed CDN (content delivery network) delivery server network that can successfully download a large number of database requests at any time to support online exchange services 24/7.

Stock audit: our target vulnerability research team will monitor the platform's execution time to prevent any conceivable attacks of defencelessness. We will also think about additional security efforts, as market allocations will evolve in the future.

Encryption and backup. We will use sophisticated encryption strategies and perform data reinforcement on a daily basis to ensure the security of all user data. This approach, combined with a decentralized database, will allow us to provide information to our client even in the direct result, the alleged hypothetical hacker attack.

Two-factor authentication: by applying two-factor authentication over a user name and password to protect users from phishing site and email vulnerability.

Road map:

31 March 2017
Technical and market research on Cryptocurrency exchange begins with a centralized and decentralized exchange of next-generation news.

30 September 2017
The cryptocurrency processing engine is complete and the review begins with a security audit and user interface development.

31 March 2018
Gather a highly skilled development team to share and finalize the lock technology for Fiat coins.
Market research and analysis to plan the initial coin offering. Modification

30 September 2018
Start of private sale August 8, 2018.
Start Airdrop and white listing and registration of KYC for the crowdsale.
Fiat coins in a block chain development and consensus-audit development.

31 December 2018
The preliminary ICo phase begins within two weeks on October 8, 2018, ending on November 7, 2018.
The beginning of the ICO crowdsale November 8, 2018, which ends on 13th December 2018

31 March 2019
Full version of exchange online
The announcement about the relationships with the third-party Trustee on a gold standard and auditing the liquidity reserve.
Wallet and information about the seller.
Official announcement of the sale of an online file sharing merchant

30 June 2019
Extension payment solutions and Gatways on all continents.
Extend the Exchange marketing and scalability of the Coinolix Exchange trading engine.
Beta version of decentralized online sharing for testing.

31 December 2019
Full version of decentralized exchange

Detailed information:

Username profile Btt : Gis15

NanoHealth - Blockchain powered ecosystem of Total Health for Everyone


The NanoHealth workforce participated on the International Blockchain Congress which took location early this month. During the event, the workforce released a blockchain powered healthcare ecosystem known as the NHCT Token.
The Congress was co-hosted via means of the Nucleus Vision team, that's made from Goa and Telengana’s IT and Industry ministry as nicely simply due to the very fact the strategic planning workforce from the Prime Minister’s office. It constructed from a few blockchain funds, professionals as nicely as enthusiasts within the crypto space.
Blockchain Powered Ecosystem

The NHCT token was one among the sponsors of the event, being an ICO pitch participant. It is simply a blockchain powered bionetwork concerned in provision of whole health. It emphasizes in individualizing healthcare for of us and guaranteeing that healthcare techniques aren't only operational, but in addition well-organized.

The ecosystem operates via means of connecting payers, customers as nicely as companies on a single stand, via means of utilizing a three-tier token information protocol to function the fiscal gadget among the participants.

At the start of the conference, NHCT was granted the probability to release their blockchain prototype. Fortunately, they have been succesful to safe their first investment for personal sale, with an marvelous reaction from different of us who took edge within the event.

Creation Of Total Health

Many blockchain enthusiasts as nicely as investors have been in a higher function to understand the worthy the manufacturer brings about. This is in relation to the choices of constructing whole well being that will move a lengthy method in assisting customers to chief wholesome and higher excellent of life.

One of the judges, Irina Litchfield, congratulated the workforce for coming up with an creative healthcare venture which was instrumental in augmenting healthcare within the standard populace. This is simply due to the very fact there are only a few of such tasks accessible on blockchain.

On the moment day of the conference, the NHTC workforce took edge on the ICO pitch, the place again, they have been succesful to safe very certain responses from the participants. The company’s CEO, Manish Ranjan, asserted that the manufacturer has a nice legacy while it involves provision of healthcare services.

This is simply due to the very fact within the contemporary past, they have been succesful to attain nicely over 70,000 people, whereby they handled them for non-communicable diseases like diabetes and cholesterol. The manufacturer works in conjunction with the state government of Telengana, as nicely as different corporates over the previous few years, whereby they provide measurable and trackable well being dashboards for agencies and communities.
According to Praveen Dwarkanath, the top of ecosystem pattern at NanoHealth, they're doing all they'll to guarantee that NHCT is a benchmark ICO. The manufacturer takes pleasure within the reality that no longer like different clinical ICOs, they're the one ones succesful of producing 100 pc certified well being data.

The company’s three-tier token information protocol makes it probably for them to incentivize buyers for every motion they take on the same time they work toward augmenting their whole health, like going bodily actual games and receiving periodical clinical well being checkups.
The NHCT workforce declared within the pitch that the personal investors might get hold of a gratuity as nicely as a unique rate protection. They have been succesful to rake in commitments worthy $2 million for the personal sale period.
Nanohealthcare Token (NHCT) Receives Commitment Of $2 Million In Two Days During Launch

Website: https://nhct.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NanoHealth1
Telegram: https://t.me/Nanohealth
Medium: https://medium.com/nhct-nanohealth-care-token
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GAqoyOxEKgz8CbXUNw7g0HTh95VpvLh7
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4862998.0
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4862998.0

Username profile Btt : Gis15

BRAVO - Another project that you will like!

Hello everybody!

Today I would like to tell you about the project that exists in the market of microtransactions for several years and is actively increasing its turnover. This project is called BRAVO , and it will be discussed today.

Probably each of us came across a situation where an acquaintance, friend or relative asks to throw him money transfer for a few needs.
Of course, you can use a bank transfer, but as practice shows, transfers take a long time, but money is needed now. In addition, not every bank has a convenient and fast mobile application for Internet banking.

Moreover, sometimes we would like that nobody knew about our transaction. There are different life situations.
But I think everyone will agree that by transferring money through the bank we automatically subscribe to the fact that the bank and the state will see our transactions. How and where we spent money and to whom they were sent.

In this case, before the appearance of crypto-currency, the most effective way to remain unnoticed was cash.
Start of project

In 2015, people in the US also faced these issues closely, and it was then that the service BRAVO, which is already active in the United States of America, appeared. 

But this application has a couple of drawbacks.
First , it is possible to work only with dollars, and the transfer of money is carried out in this currency.
Secondly , as it has already been said, all transactions in this system are visible to the state, since at the moment the system does not yet use the technology of blocking.
Thirdly , this application works only in the United States of America.

BRAVO Company is very actively developing and is keeping pace with the times, which is why they decided to become a blockbuster and new technologies.

The company is currently planning to update its existing application for the BVO crypto currency, which will be the main project token.
So, what can you do?

BRAVO as a project is a system of peer-to-peer cashless payments (an analogue of a banking P2P), for people who want to quickly and without excessive information noise transfer money to those who are close to you. Served it will be the own created Bravo Pay system, which is built on Blochein.
You can easily pay off the market for products, transferring money to the seller for his goods. Or, for example, throw a little tea to the waiter. Or pay the priestess of love for her services. Yes, anything! And it's all without a commission! I think it's very cool.
How will this work?

Search for a transfer recipient:
Via the GPS system, BRAVO will find all possible tokens nearby.
In this case, the system will retain your privacy, it will only show the numbers of the purses of people nearby, to which you can transfer tokens.

Reliable payment will be carried out in full volume, quickly and without commission. The guarantor of payment is the block.

Anonymous chat
In the application you can not only transfer money but also communicate with your friends, for example, asking to return a familiar debt, or write to Mom or Papa the phrase "throw off money".

Thus, we see that the company is already creating a stable community around the world, not just in the United States, and it seems to me that this community will only develop with time.
The project team:

The project team consists of many professionals who believe in blocking technology, have been working in finance for many years, and I'm sure they will be able to bring this project to success.


I believe that this project has much to develop. The niche of secure P2P transfers is free. At least in my country for sure. I think that if the project develops as it did before, then its success is 100%. Well, good luck, BRAVO!

Useful links: 
Website of the project: http://bvo.trybravo.com/
Telegram chat: https://t.me/BRAVOPay

Username profile Btt : Gis15

Selasa, 25 September 2018

Financex next generation electronic money exchange

What is Financex?
Financex is dealing with the country's currency: This is the biggest difference with FinanceX. Because transactions can use their own local currency to buy / sel other currencies through multiple types of payments. The FinanceX platform allows users to trade with different systems from multiple countries. This connection will make transactions and electronic funds transfer and fiat easier in the user's land as well as the local currency of other countries.

What is Financex better than other exchanges?
Simple transaction:
Modern, intuitive user interface and simple order process so you can trade from day one

High liquidity:
This platform guarantees high liquidity with stable trading volume creating an attractive playing field in the investment process of traders.

The system is built on the most advanced and stable cloud infrastructure to ensure the highest availability.

Security and privacy:
Secure your information and keep money in your wallet in the deal

Low price:
This platform ensures that players receive competitive therapies and costs compared to those in each country

Transparent fee structure:
We provide a simple fee structure with low rates. No hidden fees


The FinanceX exchange platform allows users to trade in local currencies from multiple countries. This makes trading faster and easier when users can buy / sell electronic money directly instead of using slower and harder methods using intermediaries, such as BTC or ETH. This also means that users can trade from different countries without further difficulty, which makes us different from other exchanges.

FinanceX makes this process easier by allowing users to choose from a variety of payment methods. These include local or international bank transfer, VISA or MasterCard and electronic wallet options (PayPal, Screw, etc.). Moving from fiat to wallet takes about 30 seconds, fiat money withdrawal takes less than 60 minutes compared to transaction time. FinanceX is turning to more convenient transactions than ever before.

Sell ​​token:
FinanceX will issue 900 million FNX alerts.

FNX will be the official trading currency on the FinanceX encrypted trading platform and will provide greater liquidity for the platform.

Round 1 ICO:

Amount: 120 million Token

Price: $ 0.028

Round 2 ICO:

Amount: 110 million Token

Price: $ 0.036

Round 3 of ICO:

Amount: 90 million tokens

Price: $ 0.047



Using FNX for the transaction, users will receive a discount:

First 6 month period: 50%

2nd 6 month period: 20%

Year 2: 15%

Third year: 8.5%

4th Year: 0%


FinanceX was founded and developed by professionals from all over the world such as Japan, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia with over 20 years of experience in finance, information technology and securities exchange.

For more information, please visit the links below:

FINANCEX EXCHANGE: https://financex.io/

Username profile Btt : Gis15

LESFEX EXCHANGE - CryptoCurrency Exchange That Provides Innovative And Easy Trading Features

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the Lesfex Exchange project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:

What is Lesfex?
Lesfex is a CryptoCurrency exchange designed to provide innovative but straightforward trading features to investors from all levels of experience.

Our goal is to build a trading platform that supports both new and well-established cryptocurrencies and providing users with a growing selection of trading opportunities.


Advertisement service for CryptoCurrency projects as options will be made available for customers to advertise their projects on the Lesfex Ads box and Lesfex News. -Lesfex Ads Box -Lesfex News

Lesfex Token as base market for Altcoins. Increase trading bridge for LFX.

Voting system that use LFX token to let community choose for coin listing - 90% collected tokens would be burned

Lesfex token would be used as payment in Lesfex E-Commerce platform, Lesfex E-Commerce Platform has user protection system called SES -Smart Escrow System, SES will protect costumer funds from unexpected scams.

- Smart Escrow System
- Shop Verification


For non-stop and fast trading sessions we count on a highly skilled customer service team

lesfex Using cold wallet to protect users funds,each withdraw process is manully by team .

Lesfex E-Commerce Platform has user protection system called SES -Smart Escrow System, SES will protect costumer funds from unexpected scams.

Lesfex Token as base market for Altcoins. Increase trading bridge for LFX.


The Lesfex Ecosystem represents the stabilization of the CryptoCurrency sector by providing a low-fee, multi-asset, multi-functional and fully compliant exchange platform. By providing all of these features, it will create the art of stabilization on an economy system

Lesfex Exchange is a fast forward company with a next generation business model in the CryptoCurrency exchange space.

The Lesfex platform has all the prerequisites to succeed and to occupy a leading position amongst the industry players. This is due to the thorough strategic planning and oversight of the creative and dedicated founding team. The cornerstone of the platform’s development is the detailed attention to the users / customers and addressing their needs as the highest priority. The next stage of the project’s development is the launch of a self-sustainable Lesfex Token together with a merchant program.

To completely revolutionize the future of digital asset exchange trading, we are fusing Forex technologies with those of the Blockchain to provide everyone with a better trading experience. Lesfex will be every trader/investor's first choice which will maintain the Lesfex competitive advantage.

Token Sale Details
Lesfex is a utility token An ERC20 utility token with a burn mechanism.

-To be used as the utility token within the Lesfex ecosystem
-Lower listing fee when paying with the Lesfex Token
-Payment in Lesfex E-Commerce

General Info

Min. Purchase : $50
Payment : BTC,ETH
Distributed in Token Sale : Depends on Sale
Soft cap : $5M
Hard cap : $50M


Q1 - Exchange Conceived
Q1 - Development Research
Q2 - Team Recruited
- Platform Architecture Completed
Q2 - Starting Platform Development

Q1 - Team Expansion
- Platform Architecture arranged
- Starting Platform Development
Q2 - Market Research
- Marketing Strategy Developed
- Lesfex Security Audit by Coinspect
- Crowdfund Platform Development
Q3 - Q4 - Starting Token Sale
- Token Sale Ends
- Creating Lesfex Token
- Trading Promotion
- Merchants Program
- E-Commerce Development
Q1 - E-Commerce Platform Beta Release
- Lesfex Android Application
- Features Deployment
- New Roadmap

To find more relevant details from the Lesfex Exchange project, please follow a number of sources for the following references:

Username profile Btt : Gis15

Papusha Rocket Technology

Welcome my dear friends. Today I will tell you about a very interesting project.Papusha Rocket Technology - the world's first rocket‑space technology of producing fuel from waste oil refinery from the developer of the program "Energy-Buran" academician A. I. Papusi
This is the latest technology of destruction of waste oil refineries around the world. Instead of "killing" flora and fauna, refineries get gasoline and diesel fuel, going on sale.

PRT ICO creates the production of small-sized plants for the processing of heavy oil residues, with the production of liquid fuel using transonic combustion technology. The daily generated new waste from refineries around the world is 1.35 million tons. One PRT-2 unit, depending on the capacity, processes 30-90 tons of waste per day. The volume of PRT-2 units required for the market is tens of thousands.
This technology was included in the UN list under the name of the author "Papusha Rocket Technology" (PRT). We are talking about processing only new waste, which allows us not to litter our planet. For processing of already accumulated deposits and lakes, the volume is needed, several times exceeding this value.

The benefits of installing PRT:
  • Efficiency. Small-sized PRT units allow to obtain up to 60% of the liquid fuel from the total processed mass. - Cost. The cost of production of 1 PRT installation from 950 000 $.
  • Payback. The average payback period of 1 PRT-2 unit is 5-7 months.
  • Oil refining companies receive the following benefits when using the technology " Papusha Rocket Tehnology:
  • Obtaining expensive gasoline and diesel fuel from the remaining waste from oil refining.
  • Cost savings due to the abandonment of the contents of storage and settling tanks.
  • Improvement of the environment.
- Token: PRT
- Platform: Ethereum
- Standard: ERC20
- Quantity: 100,000,000 PRT
- Price: 1 ETH = 3,500 PRT
- Payment:ETH

Soft cap:
Hard cap: 13,500 ETH

- Quantity: 75,000,000 PRT
- Beginning: 25.07.2018
- Completion: 25.09.2018

About tram:
Papusha Anatoly Ivanovich
Author and head of development.
Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, laureate of the State prize of the USSR, academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, the Russian Academy of cosmonautics, the Russian ecological Academy, of the Academy of geopolitical problems.

Papusha Igor Anatolyevich
He graduated from the Russian University of Chemical Technology. D. I. Mendeleev, project technologist. He participated in all the latest thematic developments of Papusha Rocket Technology.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Davydenko
Project manager
He graduated from the Volga state Academy of Water Transport in 1995 as a mechanical engineer, the Presidential program of management training in 2005 as a marketing Specialist, the Moscow Institute of Modern Academic education in 2012 as a management and personnel management. Successful entrepreneur, Manager with 15 years of experience, a specialist in the field of foreign Economic activity.

Petrosyan Valery Samsonovich
Doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences. UN expert on chemical safety, Honored worker of higher school of Russia, honored Professor of Moscow state University.

Grigoriev Yuri Pavlovich
Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, honored inventor of the RSFSR, member of the Russian Academy of cosmonautics, academician of the Russian and European Academy of natural Sciences, laureate of the USSR state Prize.

Lemeshev Mikhail Yakovlevich
Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, UN expert on natural resources.
Road map. Two thousand sixteen
The beginning of scientific calculations in the processing of petroleum products
Test technology on a basic stand in Dolgoprudny
Testing has been successfully completed, the technology has been refined and improved
Two thousand seventeen
Completion of calculations, systematization of the results
Preparation of business plan, search for partners

Q1 2018
Preparation for the ICO
Team building, technical documentation
The development of smart contract and token economy
Q2 2018
The launch of the ICO
Marketing campaign
Conducting a round of private sales
Q3 2018
ICO Papusha Rocket Technology
The output of a token in a PRT exchange
Development of operational documentation
Q4 2018

Manufacture and purchase of necessary equipment and components
Creating and configuring the first PRT-2-30 installation
Certification, obtaining specifications for connection
Two thousand nineteen
Launch of serial production of PRT-2 units, first sales
Development of modules for the processing of brown coal
Work on the completion and implementation of the gas generator, providing cheap electricity for mining

More info in:

Username profile Btt : Gis15

Jumat, 21 September 2018

The WPP ENERGY ICO project scored absolutely on ICOBENCH

Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Power Generation Corporation (WPP), owns and controls several important advanced energy technology patents, led by President Rafael Ben . Mr. Ben has over 30 years of experience in the energy field and is a guest speaker and lecturer at the International Green Energy Conference.
Mr. Ben has extensive technical and business experience in forming joint ventures and strategic alliances, engaging in important global business and communications ventures with the head of government. As part of the team, he has engineers and waste experts to provide generation power with the latest, globally recognized technologies.
WPP ENERGY's mission has remained consistent over the years and its mission is to use breakthrough technology and breakthroughs to produce and deliver the world's most affordable and cost-effective 100% clean energy.

WPP's existing renewable energy contracts with various governments around the world, valued at over $ 50B, start with an initial focus of $ 6B USD starting in December 2018.
WPP ENERGY has contracted with many countries around the world on a federal level to produce green energy for 35 years in a row.
Contracts including PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) converts MSW (Waste) into electricity and into products that will be used for local markets.
The WPP's government contract business is expanding and will include upcoming announcements in a number of areas including the creation of future green villages and the city's 200,000 people, built in just two years, and the vertical agriculture greenhouse tower.
WPP ENERGY will deploy the most advanced global advanced technologies supporting second and third world countries with new opportunities to address their significant housing and energy issues.WPP is taking an important step by contributing a total percentage of WPP TOKEN profits to facilitate the increase in electricity production as a humanitarian aid to
countries with the greatest demand.

WPP EXCHANGE PLATFORM is an early electronic money exchange that was released with a focus on energy and encryption coding and digital tokens. This will result in increased liquidity for all electronic money involved by allowing different currencies to trade with each other. At least 20 different energy-related electronic currencies will be traded on the platform.






Private Sale Price: $ 0.16
Pre ITO Sale Price: $ 0.20

ITO pre-sale terms : flat rates do not change for 30 days, starting July 1 and ending after 30 days on August 1.

The purpose of selling ITO before is to start developing two digital blockchain platforms and launch the Green Energy Reduction program. WPP Energy believes that our electronic money initiative should be self-funded.

ITO sales will increase capital on a larger scale to accelerate the deployment of 3 HHO energy solutions worldwide and invest in government business projects and build two digital platforms.

Our Crowdsale details (after the first sale) will soon be released and our website and reports will be updated accordingly, Check back soon for updates.




Technical staff:



Website: https://wppenergy.com/
Whitepaper: https://wppenergy.io/pdf/Whitepaper.pdf
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4449273.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wppenergycoin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WPP-Energy-575263249486648
Telegram: https://t.me/WPPEnergy

Username profile Btt : Gis15

ADAB Solutions will create the world's first Islamic crypto

Islam is a unique religion, especially because the financial relations in the Sharia are clearly regulated and have a number of serious requirements and restrictions.

Islamic finance is alternatively called ethical finance, and this is an absolutely fair name. According to Sharia law, a Muslim should not give money for growth (earn interest), invest in prohibited activities (gambling, production of prohibited products), engage in transactions with excessive uncertainty.

Muslims adhere to these requirements; so they fear such unverified investment methods, like cryptothermia. Many cryptothermies clearly have characteristics forbidden to Muslims. Therefore, in order not to violate the demands of the Sharia, Muslims avoid investments in these assets.

In the world there are at least 50 million users of crypto currency, and among them only a small part is represented by 1.8 billion Muslims living on the planet.

Islamic finance is, in fact, a partnership between a client and a financial institution that promotes honest, transparent and reliable business relationships based on the culture, ethics and principles of Islam.

Blockchain technology is also based on ensuring honesty and transparency - a very necessary function for the modern world, but, unfortunately, the rapid development of the industry led to a paradox: the crypto-currency market attracted a huge number of fraudsters and instead of cleanliness and transparency, market participants got a deception and a shadow market.

Of course, on the other hand, talented and decent people received incredible opportunities to translate their ideas, and their efforts inspire further development of the market. This development was determined not only by regulation, accumulation of experience and the beginning of mass commercial use of the technologies being developed, but also by establishing high moral and ethical standards of doing business in this industry.

People should believe that cryptothermins are honest, reliable and safe.

And in this we see an excellent opportunity for the market to use simple and obvious principles of honesty of Islam.

Now there are no companies offering integrated solutions for Islamic crypt investment. We intend to solve this problem.

Our clients and investors using our services will be sure that their actions fully correspond to the principles of Islam, which is confirmed not only by the opinion of our Advisory Council, but also by the opinions of other experts and the general opinion of the community.
Our idea is not only to create a company; this is an attempt to establish new ethical standards for business management in the industry.

Adab - the behavior prescribed by the norms of the Sharia, including good manners, standards of decency, courtesy and humanity.

"Monotheism calls for faith." Faith calls for the observance of canons. The canons oblige a man to be brought up. He who does not have courtesy, is far from canons, faith and monotheism. «

"Courtesy is the strict observance of what decorates deeds and activities."

The name of our company ADAB Solutions is a great responsibility. Adab is a way of life in Islam, which we consider not only natural in everyday life, but also an obligatory basis for business relations.

We will create the world's first crypto-exchange, which will comply with Sharia law. FICE will become a universal solution for the participation of Muslims and users of Islamic finance in the crypto-currency market. Exchange will act in accordance with the principles of Islam, but it is absolutely open to all users, regardless of religion.

One of the most important features of our project is the management of the company in accordance with the Islamic management model, which supplements the generally accepted standards of business management.

But the main difference is that in our company the Islamic Finance Council (Shariah Advisory Council) involves one of the most important management bodies and decision-making centers.

All this will contribute to the fact that our company will provide high-quality services and information to the Muslim community about the crypto-currency market, will carry out an explanatory mission, facilitate the involvement of the Muslim community in the market of crypto-currency trading.

Links to the project:
Twitter: https: // twitter.com/AdabSolutions

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Senin, 17 September 2018

DNAtix Blockchain-based genetic company

DNA is a molecule that carries genetic instructions for the growth, development, improvement, working, and generation of all known living life forms. Most DNA molecules consist of two biopolymer threads, folded around each other, forming a double helix.
DNA sequencing is the way toward deciding the correct request of four bases - adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine in a DNA molecule. Quick process, achieved with the help of modern technologies of sequencing DNA, made sequencing the genome DNA of low-cost, fast and accurate.

Human DNA stores a huge amount of data that determines who we are. Thanks to our DNA analysis, we can learn about our physical traits, mental abilities, our pedigree, and our genetic risks for the development of genetic diseases. By 2020, the market for personalized medicine will reach 149 billion dollars. The US and the Covering Companion Genome data sets can be used to identify associations between genetic variants and diseases. This increase in genetic testing intends to provide an individual approach to drug comparison, which can modify selected genes and produce more accurate therapies
DNatix Overview

Note; The content of the post is not an investment advice. We do not promote any of those. Due diligence is your own responsibility. You should never make an investment in an online program with money you aren’t prepared to lose. Make sure to research the website. So Please take care of your investments. and be on the safe site and avoid much losing online.

DNAtix is a platform that can be utilized by consumers, specialists, and research centers to make genealogies accessible, straightforward and covered up.
For Singer purposes, DNAtix will utilize Advanced Infrastructure And Blockchain Technology to provide services, for example, examining, putting away and trading AKSes through computerized Direct DNA information platform to consumers.
Likewise, DNAtix will issue a token utility that is utilized for the DNAtix hereditary stage and furthermore adds to the improvement of DNAtix projects in near future. On this platform, clients will have the capacity to download a few or the majority of the hereditary data rapidly, dependably, and secretly.

DNAtix Benefits?
1 A blockchain Infrastructure for Genetic storage and transfer
2 An ecosystem and Portal for GDAPPS (genetic apps)
3 Anonymous genetic services
4 Own your DNA
5 Propelling genetic research to develop new health solutions
6 Get specific big Data for small money
7 Propelling precision personalizes medicine
8 Customer targeted platform- easy to use

For what reason is DNAtix platform so creative?
1 Provides complete anonymity
2 Advanced Blockchain Genetic platform – able to deal with large data files
3 State of the art user experience
4 Enabling upload, storage & transfer of DNA sequences
5 Connects customers with solutions

DNAtix Advantage To Utilizers?
DNAtix influences crude information of DNA to grouping open to end clients, empowering them to take dynamic activities towards preventive drug.
It will permit transferring of fractional as well as full genome arrangements and also putting away, exchanging and testing of these groupings.
The DNAtix platform depends on cutting-edge blockchain innovations empowering unknown and anchored digitized genetic administrations.
DNAtix will also give an assortment of ways of life and costs that will be completed in a different test or bundling.

Sales Token
DNAtix is expected to launch ICO in June 2018. During this event, 85% of 150,000 DNAtix tokens will be sold. Hard caps for fundraising events were set at $ 30 million. Other details about upcoming ICOs are not yet available on the project’s website.

ICO information
Token symbol: DNTX
Token Sales Start: June 2018
Token Price: $ 0.01
Total supply: 150,000,000
Hard Cap: $ 30 million



for more information visit the following link:

Username profile Btt : Gis15

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