Jumat, 13 Maret 2020

Ulasan Platform Gaimin

Salam kepada seluruh komunitas, saya bersemangat tentang koin crypto dan pengikut proyek bagus seperti GAIMIN . Dalam publikasi baru ini saya ingin mempresentasikan proyek GAIMIN . Saya yakin Anda telah mendengar banyak tentang Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrency, ICO ... tetapi GAIMIN. blockchain adalah yang paling keren, dan untuk lebih jelasnya kita akan ke topik berikut:

Jika kita mengamati bagaimana masyarakat telah berevolusi, dari masyarakat suku kita telah pindah ke struktur sosial yang berbeda di dunia modern di mana orang bekerja dengan cara khusus dan dapat melakukannya dalam lingkungan global, dari mana saja di dunia karena munculnya teknologi dan Internet. GAIMIN adalah platform media sosial dengan investor keuangan berbasis blockchain. Jejaring sosial GAIMIN akan menjadi salah satu jejaring sosial kripto dan unik yang akan menemukan penggemar kriptografi pada platform umum dan memungkinkan mereka untuk menyebarkan daya tarik informasi, termasuk informasi keuangan, tanpa tidak ada pembaruan penting.

Pedagang, Penjual, Manajer Aset dan Investor. GAIMIN akan memungkinkan semua peserta untuk berinteraksi secara waktu nyata tanpa masalah dengan menerbitkan pembaruan, blog, gambar, analisis, situasi pribadi, saluran video, dan hal lain yang mungkin penting.


Proyek Gaimin menghubungkan pasokan kekuatan pemrosesan GPU terdistribusi terbesar di dunia, yang dimiliki oleh 1,3 miliar PC gaming di gaming global.

Gaimin.io adalah perusahaan platform perangkat lunak yang menghubungkan daya komputer game dengan kebutuhan di seluruh dunia untuk Daya Komputasi Kinerja Tinggi. Ini berarti bahwa seorang gamer sekarang dapat diberi imbalan hanya dengan mengunduh dan menginstal platform Gaimin.io, dan kemudian membiarkannya bekerja di latar belakang tanpa memengaruhi kinerja game dengan cara apa pun.

Gamer tidak memerlukan pengetahuan penambangan sebelumnya karena perangkat lunak Gaimin menggunakan pembelajaran mesin untuk menganalisis semua data relevan yang tersedia dan menghubungkannya dengan manajemen dan optimalisasi yang konstan untuk menghasilkan hasil penambangan yang optimal. Contoh seperti "Uber" adalah platform yang menghubungkan mobil dan pengemudinya (pasokan) dengan keahlian untuk pelancong (permintaan), menghubungkan sumber daya GPU dan CPU ke PC gaming pengguna (persediaan) di kolam penambangan blockchain (permintaan). metode yang efektif, untuk cryptos tambang, dan kemudian secara otomatis memegang mata uang terpanjang ke dalam mata uang yang diinginkan.

Proyek Gaimin.io kami adalah AI, meluncurkan platform perangkat lunak Crypto Mining, yang tidak memengaruhi sumber daya komputasi gamer yang tidak perlu tanpa perlu pengetahuan penambangan kripto khusus dan tidak memengaruhi kinerja game untuk penambangan pasif sumber daya kripto. Sudah Gaimin menjelaskan bahwa satu-klik, perangkat lunak yang dapat diunduh akan menentukan blockchain paling menguntungkan untuk ditambang secara real time, dan itu dapat secara otomatis mengkonfigurasi dirinya sebagai kapasitas PC pengguna.

Para pengguna global membutuhkan lebih banyak Daya Pemrosesan Komputer karena pertumbuhan permintaan global. Penemuan teknologi baru membuka ruang untuk permintaan tinggi dalam permintaan global. Pusat data tidak dapat mengakomodasi persyaratan. GPU, solusi ultra grafis dapat memberikan solusi yang baik.

Global Gaming Community mewakili kapasitas pemrosesan data GPU yang kuat.

Gamer diberi hadiah dengan token GMRX ketika mereka menghubungkan GPU mereka dengan Gaimin.io Proccesor Power Supply Network. Token GMRX dapat digunakan untuk membeli gaimin mereka di Gaiming Digital Asset Exchange. Alih-alih menghabiskan miliaran $$ dalam membangun berdedikasi

resource farms Gaimin akan mengakses komunitas game global ketika pengguna menghubungkan GPU mereka dengan gaiming dan memberi hadiah jaringan global dengan GMRX

VISI: Gaiming diharapkan membuat setiap gamer kekuatan pemrosesan Komputer sebagai komoditas bernilai tinggi. Mereka bertujuan untuk menciptakan superkomputer terdesentralisasi pertama di dunia dan yang paling kuat dengan memanfaatkan dan menghubungkan sumber daya komputer gamer global.

komunitas, memungkinkan mereka untuk mendapatkan hadiah melalui Kekuatan komputer mereka.

MISI : Misi utama Gaimin.io adalah untuk menciptakan monetisasi Pasif dan otomatis untuk Gamer Global. mereka berniat untuk menjadi Uber of Power processing dan secara pasif menghasilkan uang dari gamer sumber daya komputer yang tinggi dan menghadiahi mereka dengan mendanai

pengalaman bermain game mereka.

Bangkitnya E-Sports

Sementara e-sports mungkin masih terasa seperti lembaga baru, itu sebenarnya telah dibangun selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Kompetisi video game pertama berlangsung pada Oktober 1972 di Universitas Stanford. Sebuah tim pemain terbaik di sekolah diundang untuk menonton dan bersaing dalam permainan Spacewar !, dengan berlangganan majalah Rolling Stone sebagai harga utama. Namun, pada saat itu, hampir tidak ada yang tahu video game bisa dimainkan di komputer daripada melalui konsol game.

Turnamen itu adalah awal dari kerajaan olahraga yang hanya berfokus pada menggabungkan elemen kompetitif dari permainan dengan basis penggemar yang terus berkembang. Sejak awal industri game, gamer telah bersaing untuk mendapatkan skor tertinggi dan hak-hak membual yang sejalan dengan bermain video game.

Pada tahun 1980, Atari menyelenggarakan Space Invaders Championship yang menghasilkan lebih dari 10.000 orang berkumpul untuk bermain atau menonton pertandingan. Pada 1989, kompetisi game cukup populer sehingga ditampilkan dalam film penuh, The Wizard .

Seiring dengan perkembangan perangkat keras game dan koneksi internet selama beberapa tahun ke depan, game multi-pemain mulai lepas landas, membangun fondasi bahwa para gamer menginginkan persaingan berdasarkan permintaan serta interaksi dengan pemain lain. Segera setelah itu, tontonan e-sports besar berikutnya akan muncul dalam industri game: kompetisi yang menampilkan pemain profesional di liga terorganisir yang disiarkan untuk dinikmati oleh pemirsa di rumah. Platform seperti TwitchTV mengundang orang-orang dari seluruh dunia untuk menonton tim favorit mereka bertarung demi kemenangan di arena virtual.

Saat ini, Twitch adalah platform streaming langsung terbesar di AS, dengan popularitasnya yang masih terus meningkat. Dibeli oleh Amazon pada tahun 2014 dengan nilai hampir $ 1 miliar, Twitch telah menjadi salah satu sumber daya top untuk menonton e-sports, baik secara waktu nyata maupun setelah turnamen langsung berakhir. Tidak ada tanda-tanda kegembiraan dan popularitas e-sports melambat dalam waktu dekat.

  • Potensi Massal. Pasokan besar Permintaan saat ini dan masa depan yang besar.
  • Hanya keputusan pengguna Monetisasi pasif. Tidak perlu upaya atau pengetahuan. Tidak bernilai. Model berlangganan mandiri, tidak ada detail pembayaran yang pernah dibutuhkan.
  • Daya beli leveraged dari token GMRX crypto.
  • Dibangun dalam pertumbuhan viral melalui NEP kami
  • Bisnis sederhana, bukti masa depan, sangat skalabel, biaya tetap rendah, margin keuntungan tinggi.


GMRX : Ini adalah token yang fungsi utamanya digunakan pada Platform Gaimin.io dan platform terkait, juga berfungsi sebagai media pembayaran untuk transaksi. Gamer yang menghubungkan GPU mereka ke platform gaimin dihargai dengan koin GMRX.



Tonggak Sejarah dan Tujuan


1 Januari 2018

Pembentukan perusahaan: UK / Crypto Valley, Zug, Tim Swiss, mitra & penasehat strategis di tempat (game, pemasaran, peraturan, blockchain) Keberadaan Internet (situs web, media sosial, dll.) Dokumentasi awal (deck, penggunaan dana, kertas, rencana pemasaran, dll.) Pengembangan perangkat lunak: pengujian rencana "Alpha" Permintaan pengguna dikonfirmasi: Madrid Games Week

2019 Q1 - TUJUAN

31 Maret 2019

Memperbarui dokumen berdasarkan wawasan 2018 Penggalangan dana pribadi Lanjutkan dan perluas pengujian Alpha, jangkau 100 pengguna Pembaruan perangkat lunak berdasarkan umpan balik Alpha

2019 Q2 - TUJUAN

30 Juni 2019

Selesaikan uji Alpha dan buat laporan terperinci Lanjutkan pengumpulan dana pribadi Mulai persiapan IEO Luncurkan token GMRX di platform EOS

2019 Q3 - TUJUAN

30 September 2019

Merencanakan dan menjalankan perangkat lunak pribadi / publik Pengujian beta PR Agresif, serangan udara, pembangunan komunitas, kehadiran media sosial Penggalangan dana melalui token penjualan di bursa

2019 Q4 - TUJUAN

31 Desember 2019

Penggalangan dana melalui token penjualan di bursa Perluas operasi untuk mempersiapkan peluncuran, penskalaan, orientasi pengguna Kemitraan dan aliansi Menyelesaikan MVP dan meluncurkan

Untuk Informasi lebih rinci, kunjungi:

Situs web: https://gaimin.io

penulis : 
Nama bitcointlak : Gis15

Blockdfunding Ekuitas Berbasis Blockchain

Blockchain masih sangat baru bagi masyarakat umum. Mayoritas orang berpikir bahwa ini hanyalah jenis mata uang online. Kami akan menggunakan blockchain untuk membantu mengatasi masalah dengan pendanaan kerumunan. Lebih khusus dana kerumunan ekuitas. Ada banyak platform crowdfunding yang berbeda di luar sana hari ini. Salah satu yang pertama dan paling terkenal adalah Kickstarter. Di Kickstarter, orang berinvestasi dalam ide yang mereka sukai, dan pada setiap kelompok investasi Anda ditawari hadiah, biasanya semakin baik semakin banyak Anda berinvestasi. Hadiah akan bernilai kurang dari jumlah investasi. 
Jika Anda benar-benar percaya pada ide yang Anda investasikan, mengapa tidak menjadi bagian darinya? Dengan EQ Token, investasi apa pun yang Anda lakukan di suatu perusahaan akan memberi Anda ekuitas di perusahaan itu dan memungkinkan pembagian dividen serta kemampuan untuk menjual ekuitas Anda kapan saja. Jika Anda telah menginvestasikan $ 10 di Uber pada tahun 2009 ketika mereka bernilai $ 3,7 juta, investasi $ 10 Anda sekarang akan bernilai lebih dari $ 250.000 karena sekarang bernilai lebih dari $ 100b. Bayangkan jika Anda telah menginvestasikan $ 10 itu di Kickstarter dan mendapatkan beberapa jenis gantungan kunci Uber baru sebagai hadiah ???

Mengapa Blockchain?
Jadi, mengapa mengumpulkan uang menggunakan blockchain lebih baik daripada metode saat ini?

Biaya - Metode crowdfunding saat ini memiliki biaya yang cukup tinggi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh fakta bahwa perusahaan crowdfunding jarang mampu menangani transaksi keuangan sendiri dan sering harus membayar pihak ketiga untuk layanan ini. Dengan menggunakan cryptocurrency, kami akan dapat dengan mudah menangani semua transaksi sendiri, meneruskan penghematan finansial kepada pelanggan kami.

Ekuitas - Mayoritas perusahaan crowdfunding tidak dapat menawarkan ekuitas sebagai imbalan atas investasi karena terlalu sulit untuk melacak secara tepat siapa yang memiliki apa dan dengan mudah menjual saham. Dengan menggunakan kontrak pintar Ethereum, kita dapat dengan mudah membagi porsi 20% di perusahaan menjadi miliaran saham kecil yang dapat ditelusuri kembali ke dompet Ethereum individu untuk memungkinkan pembagian keuntungan (dividen) atau penjualan token.

Kepemilikan - Sejak hari pertama pembuatan token untuk proyek baru, Anda memiliki 100% kepemilikan token Anda. Anda dapat mengirimnya ke siapa pun yang Anda inginkan, menukarkannya dengan apa pun yang Anda inginkan atau bahkan menyimpannya di lokasi offline untuk menjaga mereka tetap aman. Jenis kebebasan dan kepemilikan ini hanya datang dengan blockchain.

Masa Depan Crowdfunding

EQ Token akan menggunakan teknologi blockchain sebagai cara crowdfunding ekuitas yang jauh lebih baik dan lebih efisien. Manfaat menggunakan blockchain dari sudut pandang investor adalah:
Investasi kecil dapat dengan mudah dilacak dan diberikan dengan bagian yang proporsional di perusahaan melalui penggunaan token
Bagi hasil dapat didistribusikan secara merata dan mudah ke semua investor
Investor juga dapat diberikan hak suara yang dapat diverifikasi oleh jumlah token yang mereka miliki di dompet online mereka (fitur ini akan datang di kemudian hari)
Token ini dapat dijual secara pribadi kepada investor lain atau dijual di bursa token kita sendiri kapan saja.

Manfaat untuk listing perusahaan di platform crowdfunding kami adalah:
Daftar perusahaan akan membayar sedikit biaya (digunakan untuk memvalidasi listing, <$ 350) dan pengumpulan uang / verifikasi dilakukan oleh layanan kami.
Mereka dapat menawarkan sebagian dari perusahaan mereka, yang akan kami pegang secara hukum. Kami kemudian dapat mengubah ini menjadi 100.000.000 token untuk dijual kepada investor
Setiap bagian laba triwulanan / tahunan kemudian diberikan kepada kami yang dapat kami bagikan secara merata kepada semua pemegang token
Jika ada proyek crowdfunding yang gagal di mana tujuannya tidak tercapai dalam kerangka waktu yang diizinkan, kami dapat mengembalikan investasi yang diterima

Opsi saat ini
Beberapa opsi crowdfunding utama saat ini di pasar sekarang semuanya tercantum di bawah ini dengan kekuatan dan kelemahan utama mereka.
Salah satu nilai jual terbesar kami adalah kenyataan bahwa kami dapat menawarkan ekuitas kepada investor. Ada beberapa alternatif saat ini di pasar yang juga dapat menawarkan ekuitas. Ini tercantum di bawah ini:
Crowdcube adalah salah satu dari beberapa situs web crowdfunding ekuitas di luar sana hari ini tetapi mereka mengambil 1,5% dari investasi yang Anda lakukan serta 8% dari total jumlah yang diinvestasikan. Crowdcube tidak membagikan dividen atau memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah menjual ekuitas Anda kapan pun Anda mau. Ekuitas hanya dibayarkan ketika perusahaan dijual atau go public.
Seedrs adalah situs web crowdfunding ekuitas lainnya yang mengenakan biaya 7,5%. Seedrs mengizinkan pembayaran dividen tetapi akan membebankan 7,5% untuk pembayaran ini. Seedrs memungkinkan penjualan saham kepada investor lain tetapi Anda harus berpasangan dengan seseorang di situs web Seedrs untuk mentransfer ekuitas Anda.


Kami akan membebankan biaya pendaftaran untuk setiap proyek sebesar $ 200- $ 300. Ini untuk meninjau setiap proyek, mengevaluasi bisnis, dan memberi proyek peringkat risiko.
Kami akan membebankan biaya 4% untuk setiap proyek yang didanai penuh.
Kami akan memiliki 3% token dari setiap proyek.
Kami akan membebankan biaya 2% untuk semua dividen.
Kami akan membebankan biaya 0,25% untuk setiap perdagangan token di situs web kami.

Hal di atas berarti bahwa jika suatu proyek telah mengumpulkan $ 200.000, bisnis yang mengumpulkan uang akan menerima $ 192.000 dan investor akan menerima bagian dari 97.000.000 token. Metode pengambilan biaya ini akan berbagi beban, di situs crowdfunding yang lebih terkenal, dana yang diterima oleh bisnis akan di bawah $ 185.000.


Proyeksi saya untuk 12 bulan pertama setelah peluncuran adalah bahwa kami akan mengumpulkan total $ 4 juta untuk bisnis, yang berarti bahwa pendapatan kami dari tahun ini adalah $ 160.000.

Berdasarkan tren saat ini dalam bisnis crowdfunding dan rencana ekspansi cepat kami untuk akhir 2021 / awal 2022, saya mengharapkan peningkatan 100-200% dalam pendapatan dalam 12 bulan ke-2. Bisnis ini akan tumbuh secara eksponensial karena keberhasilannya didasarkan pada berapa banyak orang yang mengetahuinya. Pendapatan Kickstarter meningkat sebesar 3-400% setiap tahun selama 4 tahun pertama setelah memulai dan pendapatan Crowdcube meningkat sebesar 640% antara 2014 dan 2018. Kami akan berinvestasi besar-besaran dalam ekspansi selama beberapa tahun pertama sehingga berharap untuk melihat tingkat yang sama pertumbuhan.

Kami tidak berharap untuk melihat pendapatan dari dividen selama 3-5 tahun pertama pada bisnis baru apa pun, tetapi ada kemungkinan beberapa dividen dari bisnis yang ada dalam 12 bulan ke-2. Penghasilan dari ini tidak akan melebihi $ 3.000 - $ 5.000 dalam 2 tahun pertama.

Biaya dari perdagangan token di token exchange kami juga diharapkan mulai rendah pada tahun pertama tetapi tumbuh cukup cepat. Ini didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa setiap tahun kami mengharapkan peningkatan besar dalam proyek yang didanai serta fakta bahwa pada tahun 3, orang masih akan memperdagangkan token dari proyek yang dibuat dalam 2 tahun pertama serta jumlah yang lebih besar dari proyek yang dibuat pada tahun 3.

EQ20 Token

Token EQ20 akan menjadi token ERC20. Token ini akan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan uang agar EQ Token dapat mulai. Sebanyak 70 juta token akan ditawarkan dalam penawaran pertukaran awal dengan harga $ 0,05 / token.

3% dari semua token yang dibuat melalui proyek-proyek yang didanai penuh adalah milik kami sehingga token ini akan ditukar secara merata ke semua pemegang token EQ20. Proyek standar akan dibuat dengan token 100m. Kami akan memiliki 3 m dari token ini dan jadi ini akan ditransfer ke semua pemegang EQ20. Ini berarti bahwa untuk setiap 10.000 token EQ20 ($ 500) yang Anda beli, Anda akan menerima 300 token dari setiap proyek yang didanai penuh yang pernah kami buat sehingga investor di EQ20 akan memiliki saham di setiap perusahaan yang pernah dibantu oleh bisnis EQ Token. Pernah! Token ini kemudian dapat dijual di bursa desentralisasi kami kapan saja atau disimpan di dompet Anda sehingga perusahaan mana pun yang didanai mulai menjadi sukses, akan mulai membayar dividen langsung ke dompet Anda!
Kami juga berencana untuk mengirim 25% dari biaya dividen 2% ke pemegang token EQ20 juga!

Proyek yang Didanai

Setiap proyek yang tercantum di situs web kami harus membayar biaya administrasi $ 200- $ 300 untuk mendaftar proyek. Biaya ini untuk menutup tinjauan awal proyek agar kami dapat memberikan skor risiko / imbalan dasar. Setiap proyek akan menawarkan% awal dari bisnis mereka dengan imbalan sejumlah uang tertentu. Setiap investasi dalam proyek akan dipegang oleh kami sampai proyek sepenuhnya didanai. Jika proyek tidak mencapai targetnya dalam jangka waktu yang disepakati, semua investasi akan dikembalikan. Jika suatu proyek mencapai tujuan pendanaannya, kami akan menyimpan dana sampai semua pemeriksaan / perjanjian hukum selesai. Dana tersebut kemudian akan diperdagangkan dalam pertukaran untuk% yang disepakati dari perusahaan. Token kemudian akan dibuat dan didistribusikan ke semua investor.

Ketika perusahaan sampai pada tahap di mana mereka dapat mengambil keuntungan, mereka akan mengirimkan% keuntungan yang terutang kepada pemegang token mereka kepada kami dan kami akan dapat mendistribusikan jumlah ini secara merata di antara semua pemegang token. Jika perusahaan pernah dijual, bagian dari penjualan kepada pemegang token akan dikirimkan kepada kami dan kami akan mendistribusikannya secara merata di antara semua pemegang token. Kami juga dapat mengeluarkan fitur pemungutan suara untuk memungkinkan pemegang token memberikan suara pada setiap keputusan utama perusahaan. Sebagai contoh jika pemegang token memiliki 20% dari sebuah perusahaan dan ada suara pemegang saham utama, kita dapat memiliki semua pemegang tanda suara. Jika 35% pemegang token memilih ya, 50% pemegang token memilih tidak dan sisanya tidak memberikan suara, maka ini dapat disampaikan kembali ke perusahaan karena 7% dari 20% saham kami memberikan suara ya, 10% memilih tidak dan 3 % abstain dari pemungutan suara. Ini kemudian akan diperhitungkan dengan suara 80% pemilik ekuitas lainnya dalam bisnis. Fitur ini harus diperkenalkan pada tahun ke 3.

Token EQ20
akan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan dana untuk membantu memulai Token EQ. Akan ada 70 juta token yang terjual total dalam penawaran pertukaran awal EQ Token dengan harga $ 0,05 per token untuk membantu meningkatkan $ 3,5 juta.
Penjualan token akan berlangsung selama 30 hari dan target minimum kami adalah menjual token 35m. Jika kami tidak mencapai target penjualan token minimum kami dalam jangka waktu, semua dana akan dikembalikan kepada investor.
Token EQ20 1m akan digunakan untuk tujuan promosi untuk membantu meningkatkan kesadaran akan EQ Token dan apa yang kami rencanakan untuk capai (kebanyakan melalui kompetisi media sosial).

Akan ada 4m token EQ20 yang akan digunakan untuk menghargai peserta dalam program hadiah kami. Token-token ini akan dibayar 1-2 bulan setelah berhasil menyelesaikan IEO.
Token 25m yang tersisa akan disimpan oleh tim pengembangan inti dan dapat digunakan untuk membayar kontraktor eksternal.

12 Bulan Pertama
12 bulan pertama setelah kami menerima dana awal kami akan melibatkan perekrutan tim inti kami dan pembukaan kantor Token EQ. Ini akan mencakup perancang situs web, insinyur perangkat lunak dengan pengalaman cryptocurrency dan manajer pemasaran. Salah satu tantangan utama selama tahun pertama adalah memastikan bahwa kami membuat dan merilis layanan hebat yang beroperasi dalam batas-batas hukum Inggris dan UE terkait dengan peraturan mata uang kripto. Token EQ20 itu sendiri bukan token keamanan tetapi token yang akan kami buat untuk bisnis lain dengan layanan kami adalah. Kami perlu memastikan bahwa kami patuh dengan peraturan Inggris dan UE tentang penjualan token keamanan. Fokus utama selama tahun pertama adalah memiliki kerangka hukum yang tepat untuk memastikan bahwa ketika kita mendanai bisnis, investor kita dilindungi.

Peta Jalan
  • November 2019 - Rilis kertas putih - Selesai
  • Januari 2020 - Kami telah memulai program Bounty kami untuk membantu meningkatkan kesadaran akan EQ Token sebelum IEO kami. Kami menawarkan 4.000.000 token EQ20 kepada peserta.
  • Q1 2020 - rilis IEO untuk menjual 70m token EQ20 seharga $ 0,05 / token untuk mengumpulkan $ 3,5m yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan Token EQ dari tanah dengan modal yang cukup untuk berekspansi dengan cepat di seluruh Eropa.
  • Q2 2020 - Mulai merekrut tim inti EQ Token dan membuka kantor di Inggris dan Eropa
  • 2021 - Bertujuan untuk membuka kantor di AS dan selanjutnya mengembangkan tim dan bisnis EQ Token

Sebagai kesimpulan, saya percaya bahwa blockchain akan menjadi masa depan berinvestasi. EQ Token berada dalam posisi unik untuk menjadi salah satu platform crowdfunding ekuitas pertama berdasarkan blockchain.

Manfaat menggunakan blockchain dibandingkan metode crowdfunding saat ini adalah:
Biaya lebih rendah
Kami adalah layanan pembayaran kami sendiri
Kontrol 100% dari token ekuitas Anda
Ekuitas sebagai imbalan untuk investasi ukuran apa pun

Crowdfunding dan blockchain keduanya adalah konsep yang relatif baru, keduanya dengan pasar yang tumbuh secara eksponensial. Kombinasi keduanya dapat dan akan membentuk kembali ekonomi dunia. Anda tidak ingin duduk selama 5 tahun di depan melihat harga EQ20> $ 10 / token mengetahui Anda bisa membeli di lantai dasar untuk $ 0,05 / token.

Situs web: https://www.eq-token.com/
Buku putih: https://8cd84f28-8000-4b5b-9dee-f2a2c3e22376.filesusr.com/ugd/33ca45_7636886924954932ac8b2732b00da077.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5220943.msg53710117#msg53710117
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eqtoken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eqtoken
Telegram: http://t.me/eqtoken

Nama Pengguna Bitcointlak : Gis15
Mengapa Anda Berinvestasi GEOMA DAO Token

-Ini adalah proyek yang sangat berkualitas dan dapat diandalkan. Tim ini bekerja secara efisien. ini adalah salah satu aplikasi paling efektif dari teknologi blockchain.
Pembelajaran Mesin, AI, Otomasi, Robotika, Blockchain. Ekonomi, Masyarakat, Keuangan, Lingkungan. Dunia kita berubah dengan cepat dan kita harus mengikuti Perubahan ini.

Apa itu GEOMA DAO?
DAO atau Organisasi Otonomi Terdesentralisasi, sebagai sebuah struktur, lahir pada hari yang sama Blockchain. Teknologi ini diungkapkan kepada publik. Menurut pendapat kami, ini merupakan model kolaborasi manusia paling mutakhir di dunia. Ini memang MODEL EKONOMI BARU UNTUK 21 ABAD. Potensi DAO sangat besar dan masih harus dieksplorasi. Ini diberikan oleh Intelijen, Pengetahuan dan Standar Moral yang tinggi dari para kontributornya. Para kontributor dapat membuat proposal progresif dalam DAO yang menargetkan teknologi inovatif dari berbagai sektor seperti Energi, Pertanian, Kesehatan, Asuransi hanya dengan menyebutkan beberapa contoh. Kinerja DAO meningkat banyak kali lipat jika dapat beroperasi di dunia fisik. Dan persis inilah yang akan dicapai oleh DAO GEOMA: Buat Arus Kas dan Kekayaan untuk Para Kontributornya.

Harga Token GEOMA DAO
  • 0,4 USD / 1GMD untuk burung awal selama Kampanye Bounty
  • 0,7 USD / 1GMD Setelah Kampanye Bounty hingga harga IEO
  • 1 USD / 1GMD IEO
  • Memberikan Sifat Proyek dan aplikasi dunia nyata Token GMD / GMDST dapat
  • ditukar pada tingkat 100 GMD / 1GMDST.
  • Pemegang Token GMD dapat menghasilkan dengan menumpuk pada tingkat maksimum 10% / tahun.
  • Pemegang Token GMDST akan mendapatkan manfaat bulanan dari proyek-proyek DAO.
Mengapa Anda Berinvestasi?
Ini adalah model bisnis "sesederhana yang didapat" menggunakan Defi dan Teknologi Blockchain untuk menciptakan kekayaan yang didistribusikan. Kontribusi awal tetap utuh sementara itu menghasilkan manfaat. Menggunakan aset nyata, dikombinasikan dengan struktur tata kelola DAO, membuat model tersebut gagal resisten. Melihat dalam waktu dekat, di mana robot akan menggantikan sebagian besar tenaga kerja, kita dapat melihat DAO memiliki bagian dari tenaga kerja robot. Haruskah orang gagal mengatur diri mereka sendiri, seperti milik DAO, atau dalam bentuk lain, seluruh kekayaan yang dihasilkan akan jatuh lagi ke tangan 1%? Setiap hari 12,5 miliar jam kerja, yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang di seluruh Planet tidak dibayar. Penghasilan Global Universal telah melewati tahap menjadi sebuah ide. Ini menurut pendapat kami salah satu ide paling regresif dalam sejarah manusia. Bayangkan duduk-duduk, tidak melakukan apa-apa,Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan bergabung dengan GEOMA DAO media sosial saat ini, silakan ikuti beberapa sumber untuk referensi berikut:
INSURE- Portofolio InsureYourCrypto Anda

Halo semuanya dan selamat datang di artikel saya hari ini. Seperti yang Anda semua tahu, saya sering berbagi proyek tentang Blockchain. Tapi sejauh yang saya tahu, penggunaan cryptocurrency oleh proyek Blockchain juga akan mengandung risiko bagi Anda, karena dengan ide membantu orang menggunakan layanan Blockchain dengan aman, proyek ini dikembangkan. dikembangkan untuk menjaga semua orang aman. Dan sekarang sampai pada bagian saya dari proyek ini.

Dan ini adalah ASURANSI, mereka di sini untuk melindungi Anda dari penipuan dan devaluasi portofolio crypto Anda secara drastis.

Mereka tidak tertarik melihat orang-orang menjadi scammed dan uang hasil jerih payah mereka lenyap. Solusi mereka akan melindungi portofolio Anda dari scammer dan kerugian tak terduga. Mereka menyediakan rencana berbeda yang sangat jelas dan mudah diketahui.

Gagasan pertama di balik proyek ini adalah untuk menghindarkan situasi di mana sesama investor kita kehilangan uang mereka sepenuhnya. Mereka ada di sini untuk menyediakan stabilitas ke dunia crypto dan melindungi orang dari kesalahan mereka dan dari kegiatan penipuan orang lain.

Mereka tidak ingin sesama investor & pedagang berakhir selama situasi di mana mereka kehilangan sebagian besar portofolio crypto karena sebab yang tidak terduga. Membantu orang sangat penting bagi kami. Kami bersedia menentukan jaringan 24/7 untuk membantu sebanyak mungkin dari kita.

Ticker: PASTI
  • Pasokan Token: PASTI
  • Platform Blockchain: ETH
  • Alamat kontrak: 0xf5f90a3904f24255caa42f532689f7969ab6c514
  • Peta jalan

Ini adalah Roadmap untuk menjadikan inSure System Platform asuransi portofolio crypto Pertama dan Terbaik di dunia.
Cara mudah dan nyaman untuk melakukan transaksi dari dompet desktop yang kompatibel dengan ERC20.

Untuk meningkatkan likuiditas token dan mengaktifkan token ini sebagai penyimpanan nilai, mereka akan menambah SURE ke bursa lain.
Mereka melihat komunitas yang tumbuh sehat sebagai dasar untuk mendukung dan menyebarkan berita tentang inSure System.

Sekarang Anda dapat melakukan transaksi cepat saat bepergian dengan menggunakan dompet perangkat seluler Anda.

Mereka bekerja untuk mempekerjakan pribadi yang akan bertanggung jawab atas dukungan pelanggan 24/7.
Mereka membangun platform untuk mengotomatiskan permintaan & pembayaran.

sistem inSure berencana untuk memiliki paket dan paket lain dalam waktu terdekat.

Mereka berencana untuk membuka reksa dana yang akan memungkinkan pemegang SURE mendapatkan manfaat dari sistem kami.
Desentralisasi Sistem inSure adalah kunci untuk Proyek Infinity.



Semoga bagian saya dari proyek ini dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang lebih bermanfaat, dengan proyek seperti ini saya sangat berharap kelayakannya akan dibawa untuk mencari lebih banyak informasi terkait. Proyek Anda dapat mengikuti tautan berguna berikut:

Website: https://insuretoken.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inSuretoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsureToken
Telegram: https://t.me/insuretoken
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x30HvNqjeLk
Github: https://github.com/inSureToken/SmartContract/blob/master/inSure.sol
Whitepaper: https://insuretoken.net/whitepaper.html

Bitcointalk profile : Gis15
Dompet Eth : 0xad2e59d183e4d68249851851f275309181658c28

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018

Introducing dClinic: Your Health is actually Wealth

One thing that is generally accepted in every human soceitynis the fact that heat is wealth. The acceptability can not be over emphasize in human existence is based on the premises that without health, man's wealth is of no significant when his life is at stake. In other to enjoy one's health therefore, individuals as well as communities of individuals put every effort in-place to make sure their health status is guaranteed. Some of these efforts include regular exercise, balance-diet, vocational tour, clinics and hospital visits.

For many year up to the present moment however, this system does not always easily allow providers to consult with other healthcare givers and then follow the patient’s progress as part of a holistic shared care plan because majorities of clinics and medical facilities today follow a one-on-one model of patient-provider interaction which puts the provider (clinician) at the centre of a patient’s care.

The result of this inefficiency is rigid and thus creates the data silos which prevent collaborative efforts for positive healthcare outcomes. After much consultations and research by a group of experts in various concerned field, the panacea to this mirage is found and incorporated into the blockchain platform called 'dClinic.'

dClinic is a healthcare platform made to break down the traditional barriers of one-on-one interactions bringing about patient data that isn't readily shared or accessible to other care providers. The dClinic platform prompts a Shared Care display where the patient is at the focal point of their care and the care is given via care team members who could be providers, clinicians, specialists, organizations and even family members.

dClinic puts the patient at the focal point of their care and does not permit brick walls to constrain their entrance to care. dClinic utilizes blockchain to help and reward consumers for their participation and adherence to their care plans. In this way, dClinic is ready to upset the healthcare business by presenting another model of healthcare which empowers collective endeavors for positive healthcare results.

Platform Architecture

The platform is outlined from the beginning to be particular so included functionalities, as they are produced, can be fused into the platform without disrupting the existing ecosystem. It is likewise advanced for a simple rollout at both the undertaking and individual levels, making it appropriate for use in vast, settled institutions and in addition little, autonomous clinics.dClinic's Platform will involve the following nine basic features:

☆ dClinic Data eXchange Layer
☆ dClinic Blockchain APIs
☆ dClinic Datalake
☆ dClinic App Store (DAS)
☆ dClinic Dashboards
☆ Platform Intelligence
☆ Analytical Engine
☆ dClinic Reward System
☆ dClinic Feedback System

The team dClinic has numerous long stretches of involvement in the healthcare segment and it is obvious from our various overall implementations that the patient ought to be at the focal point of their care. Our proposal is, that by influencing the Shared Care To design the fundamental consumer and clinician gateway for getting to a consumer's clinical and non-clinical data, dClinic will considerably help the healthcare division by giving the Care Team precise and ongoing data that comprehensively identifies with the patient, in this way driving better healthcare results.

dClinic's platform (V1.0) has been a result of over two years being developed. It is by and by being demonstrated in Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, US and Singapore. The point is to build up a platform that can convey the dClinic vision. This Token Sale is to take the present infrastructure to a completely blockchain empowered platform for genuine patient-driven care and to authoritatively dispatch in Indonesia, a noteworthy developing business sector.

As the tittle of this article suggests, this is just the introduction to this amazing platform, dClinic. My article on the ICO Review on dClinic will publish in a short while. Before then however, you can visit the following links for more information :

Username profile Btt : Gis15

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2018

Review SWIPE

The development of cryptographic technologies has completely captured every aspect of a person's life. Every day there are many interesting platforms and developments that are aimed at improving and simplifying human life. One such project was SwipeCrypto. This platform is designed to display commercials to its users. Naturally, for viewing advertising this platform will reward users. In order to develop its platform, the developers of SwipeCrypto use cryptographic technology Blockchain, which increases transparency, security and other capabilities of the platform.

The main goal of SwipeCrypto is to show its users the best and most effective advertising on users' smartphones, which only exists on the market. Developers, on their website, published a special technical document that fully shows all non-working advertising models. All these models, as a rule, are based on the display of banner advertising, so they have a low degree of capture and attract attention from the user. Developers offer their solution to this problem. They plan to create a decentralized platform based on the cryptographic technology Blockchain, which will work on any mobile devices with Internet access. Let's take a closer look at how the SwipeCrypto platform works.

By itself, SwipeCrypto is a special technology based on Blockchain, which was implemented in an existing advertising platform, called SwipeRich. This site is engaged in displaying special advertising on users' smartphones, it serves about 10 million orders, about which I spoke above. The SwipeCrypto platform uses a special cryptographic currency in order to reward users of its platform for viewing the provided advertising. Most often, you are viewing the advertisement at a time when you are using the browser on the Internet.

In order not to view it any more, SwipeCrypto will display the necessary ads on the screen of your smartphone's lock. In this case, you do not have to wait for a while, in order to view the advertisement and then unlock the phone. The lock screen, as a rule, is used for a few seconds, here these few seconds and will be displayed ads. This will allow advertising companies to get a lot of effective views of their advertising. This is much more effective than advertising on the Internet. Let's figure out what should motivate the user to install a special SwipeCrypto application on his device, and then also view ads on the phone lock screen. And it should motivate that this application will reward the user with a special cryptographic currency called SWC. This currency will be issued when the user went to the lock screen and viewed the advertisement. This is a great way to earn cash in the background.

The team of the SwipeCrypto project team consists of several specialists in their field. Each of the team members represented has experience in developing platforms based on Blockchain cryptographic technology. Let's take a closer look at the composition of the leaders of this platform:

  • Andry Marchen - CEO;
  • Klifford Kim is the CFO;
  • Kyai Shon - Technical Director;
  • Ian Vaera is the CFO.

The rest of the team are developing the platform itself, and are among the best specialists in the field of Blockchain technologies.

Problems solved by the project This platform, according to the developers, is aimed at solving the following problems in the advertising industry:

Complete lack of transparency and development of monopoly. All advertising agencies, in order to display advertising on the Internet, should pay only two companies - it's Google and Facebook. These giants distributed among themselves all the shares of the advertising market on the Internet;

Advertising fraud.Very often, unscrupulous advertising agencies, to increase the implicit effectiveness of advertising, use special bots that wind up advertising clicks. This completely confuses clean statistics for advertisers. This is bad for the advertising itself and increases its spread throughout the Internet;

There is no reward for viewing the advertisement by the user. When you look at advertising on the Internet, you do not get any reward for it. All funds are received only on the account of advertising agencies, which are intermediaries between users and advertising companies.

All users of this site, namely advertisers, publishers and users of the network themselves, receive significant advantages when using this platform. Let's take a closer look at them:

Advertisers are able to directly work with users of this network, this increases the effectiveness of their work. Without any mediation, they can acquire special advertising spots, for a certain period of time, clicks, views, etc. This is an excellent system that allows advertisers to collect reliable statistics;

Publishers receive the opportunity to earn additional income from the provided advertising, obtained during the interaction of users with the software application;

This platform only complements, but does not replace third-party advertising applications. This application works in the background, and for its use the user does not need to run it. This significantly saves time, and improves the efficiency of advertising; In the application SwipeCrypto there is the possibility of selling various digital and not only goods. This increases the profitability of the application itself, and increases the ways of obtaining money income. All sales are carried out using an internal cryptographic currency;

Publishers will be free to choose which digital products to show to users on their platform. This can positively affect the sales of these products;

Getting a revival of users, in the form of cryptographic currency SWC. This is a good salary, given the speed of viewing advertising.

The SwipeCrypto platform uses, in its work, the capabilities of other systems. To organize its work SwipeCrypto uses the following platforms:

AD-Engine X-Swipe is a special advertising engine that is designed to show commercials to users. Using the advanced targeting system and AI, this platform simplifies and expands the work between the publisher and the consumer of advertising. SwipeCrypto completely analyzes all user data, including location, time, date, behavior, interests, search queries. All these data are transferred to the publisher, analyzed and based on this analysis, the publisher provides useful commercials. In simple words, you will receive only those ads that you are supposedly interesting;

Special library SwipeDK. This platform helps SwipeCrypto to display ads on the lock screen on smartphones that use the Android operating system. Also, this system will collect special data that will show how many times you viewed or clicked on ads. These statistics will also be provided to publishers for further analysis and use;

Decentralized book of accounting, based on Blockchain technology. I use technology of smart contracts, this technology will provide information about advertising and advertisers. It will allow advertisers to purchase advertising spaces and conduct various transactions. Also, this platform will allow SwipeCrypto to distribute special bonuses, for the use and as long as commercials, between network users and publishers of advertising.

SwipeCrypto features

The decentralized SwipeCrypto platform has the following features and functions:

Ads on the lock screen.All ads that the SwipeCrypto application will show are displayed on the screen of your smartphone's lock. This is a convenient and effective way to display ads;

Using cryptographic technology Blockchain. SwipeCrypto is based on Blockchain technology and smart contracts. The interconnection of these technologies ensures the speed, transparency and efficiency of the platform. They will provide credibility to the platform from users, advertisers and publishers;

Application integration. This platform can be easily integrated into any third-party applications. All you need is to write a few lines of simple code. Currency SWC. Remuneration in the form of cryptographic currency SWC, all users of SwipeCrypto receive for viewing the provided advertising. Also, for the provision and viewing of advertising, publishers receive a fee.

Analysis of user data. The use of AI and Blockchain allowed the platform to efficiently collect the necessary information, analyze and transfer it to publishers. Which, in turn, will use it to effectively display ads.

Proven model of work. As mentioned above, this platform has already been tested in two countries. She showed effective work, which entailed its development in other countries.


SwipeCrypto is a decentralized modern platform designed to display the necessary advertising to users using the screen lock their smartphone. This is a great solution, which was suggested by the developers of the network. The use of this platform by advertisers and publishers will lead to the development and improvement of the statistics of viewing commercials. And for SwipeCrypto users it's a great way to earn currency in the background. This platform will certainly find its user, and will develop and expand.


Website: http://www.swipecrypto.com
Telegram: https://t.me/swipecrypto
Twitter: https://twitter.com/swipecrypto
Whitepaper: https://swipecrypto.com/docs/SWIPE_whitepaper_rev1.0.pdf

Username profile Btt : Gis15

Jumat, 28 September 2018


The idea of contributing is an exceptionally strategic way that the vast majority have recognized as a wellspring of producing wage without putting much exertion into it and it gets extremely stunning when the investment platform offers chance free on its bundles. Investment is another way of producing automated revenue without you really captivating in any type of exchange or business yet you simply sit whiles your cash works for you. This idea of business has been commended by numerous and has experienced a few turning points as far back as individuals became more acquainted with about it.

Trust it or not nearly everyone can be an ace of something if and just on the off chance that they can saddle the ability to really pull out all the stops. A few people great promoting techniques and aptitudes to really place reserves into great utilizization and set up organizations. Once more, in the realm of business a few firms or association have a steady establishment than others thus in some cases it would truly be not reasonable to fire up a business or an undertaking with that same idea yet to either unite their platform with your assets and be a recipient of their incredible achievement.

These were a portion of the motivation behind why individuals got into putting their well deserved assets into tasks, banks or ventures. However, the inquiry is these investment platforms winning what really they gathered from their important sum. Investment designs that are made in fiat cash on the normal does not produce much benefit for its individuals and it completes more terrible on the off chance that it is our national banks that impose relatively every exchange that is happening on its platform. Toward the finish of the venture platform you will understand that the speculator does not gain much benefit as he/she may have estimated.

VEIAG which is a business venture has made all the essential foundation enquiries into potential tasks that they have chosen to put resources into in light of the fact that it is amateurish to simply put assets of individuals into any undertaking without really making a hypothesis about how plausible or manageable it will be. VEIAG with their accomplished analysts and business expert have spotted potential fields, for example, the Agricultural Sector and Healthcare field. Both the Agriculture and Healthcare fields are extremely wide territories of ventures with sub-areas which we will take a gander at in the ensuing parts that take after.

Innovation has progressed to a high degree that the world right currently is about industrialization in relatively every segment. This colossal industrialization has been distinguished as a source adding to the expansion in worldwide medical issues that most parts of the world faces however it is extremely sad that the ones that endures the most are the creating and immature nations. The worldwide nursery impact has expanded throughout the years now and has added to a ton of maladies that are seen in most creating nations yet the inquiry here is that does these creating and immature nations have human services industry to help bolster them in their therapeutic supplies and furthermore the assembling of social insurance gear.

VEIAG has recognized spots that miss the mark in the creation of medicinal supplies, for example, drugs, therapeutic imbuements, gloves and so forth. Moreover, VEIAG would likewise set up therapeutic production lines that would be dependable in assembling restorative gear and furthermore set up the neighborhood makers with the best in class machines for them to likewise create medicinal hardware.

Agribusiness is one of the biggest parts that utilizes numerous individuals in many nations particularly the creating in nations and VEIAG after distinguishing this immense potential in this division has plan on putting into it this area. This venture will convey a ton of advantages to the general population who are in this distinguished region by diminishing the craving rate, joblessness rate and so on. This would help enhance the way of life of the local individuals as they would likewise pick up salary from their work in the Agricultural undertaking being spearheaded by VEIAG.

Meat items and nourishment is the thing that goes to the brains of individuals whenever domesticated animals raising comes as a primary concern however much to their dismay that this part has various advantages that it can produce when completely abused to its greatest. The domesticated animals part does acquire us sustenance and meat as well as the aggregated waste from the creatures can likewise be prepared to make composts which can be utilized as natural manures on our neighborhood ranches. This would go far to diminish the poisonous quality that the dirt endures because of the modernization of cultivating that is presently going on.

Once more, the skins of these creatures can be utilized for a mess of purposes in the melodic field and furthermore for tasteful purposes. All these will achieve a mess of work conceivable outcomes to the general population which would additionally enhance their lives and way of life and this is all being spearheaded by VEIAG.

The foundation of the VEAIG platform would bring forth a ton of thoughts and undertaking that individuals, individuals or associations would need to expedite board. As inviting as VEIAG is it has set up a key framework which would assess every single approaching venture to know its value and potential that it can offer to the platform and its individuals. This procedure is set up to check the misfortune that some venture platforms neglect to make before getting into any undertaking. This would help secure the assets of individuals from the platform and guarantee that they get customary easy revenue shape their speculations on the platform.

These procedures are Counseling and Assessment, Base Assessment, Matching Process, Physical Assessment and Recruitment. If you don't mind allude to the whitepaper to get more insights about how these procedures are spread out and would likewise work.


There are a few investment platforms that are accessible yet none of them has the bundle and security that the Virtual Economic Academia Investment Guild is putting forth you. It is one of only a handful of venture platforms that acknowledge digital forms of money and has gone further to direct the unpredictability of the cryptographic forms of money by receiving to utilize gold as a benefit backing the VEIAG Token. Join the VEIAG and how about we assemble a solid and stable speculation platform

For more information about this project please follow up on the following contact lines:

Username Profile Btt : Gis15

Kamis, 27 September 2018


I welcome you my dear friends.Today I want to tell you about a very promising project.At coinolix, together with our team, we are developing the first multi-functional cryptocurrency exchange ecosystem, combining a robust exchange platform and a decentralized blockchain Protocol in which digital tokens are tied to one us dollar and backed by a reserve of assets as gold by Coinolix Exchange Limited to provide a decentralized method of value exchange through our Fiat-linked Coinamia coin.

The net exchange of cryptocurrency Coinolix Exchange Limited.
In today's market, there are two types of exchanges: currency exchange on a currency basis and net exchange cryptocurrency. We will focus only on pure cryptocurrency exchange.
The solution to cryptocurrency pegged to the Fiat Coinamia Fiat Coin (USDC).
Peer-to-peer cryptocurrency based on consensus Agreement to provide network security. Each coin block USDC issued, supported in one to one ratio (i.e. one dollar is one dollar) on the relevant pool of assets held by the Bank coinolix Limited.

Trade structures should be developed from an early stage, with security, efficiency, speed and adaptability as a top priority. Numerous exchanges often choose the easiest way to handle running a framework. While this may function well to begin with, as the activity develops, the structure will not be ready to consider the expanded network load. This often deviates from the main promotion of the exchange, but it is essential to achieve the long-term goal.

Since crypto-business is so new, it doesn't quite approach liquidity. The presence of unjustified publishing implies high slippage when trading cryptocurrencies, which is extremely expensive for traders.

Platform security
Almost all cryptocurrency is unchanged, and there is no way to change it after the transaction is made due to the fact that this exchange refuses to take responsibility for the transaction. There are several exchanges that have declined due to hacking.

There are some advanced achievements that exchanges would have won in recognition of attempted burglary. However, these improvements are expensive to the point that exchanges are not able to access them, meaning they can be virtually any programmers like circumventing their security framework.

Poor customer support
Traders are a different breed when it comes to users. Understanding the problem with users is vital to successful sharing. In that moment, when the demonstration of the exchange in a manner that undermines the confidence of a trader, would be unacceptable, which will result in user complaints.

Language support
The cryptocurrency market has no boundaries. Most exchanges focus on only one dialect or one nation, and this leads to poor support for this international market.

Banking barriers
Banks further impede the limitless choice of trading exchanges due to the extremely unstable state of the cryptocurrency market. Banks put them in their back foot when it comes to checking and verifying users ' personal data.

Coinolix Exchange

The relevant engine Coinolix Exchange for management 1 200 000 orders per second. A large number of shopping queries can be resolved with the help of adaptable and scalable engine in a matter of minutes. Along these lines, our matched engine can anchor to one of the fastest and most reliable engines available in the current market. Thus, traders can be saved from major problems such as stuck trading requests or tedious handling of trades.

Peculiar properties:

Trading on the spot market
Margin trading
Futures trading
Language support
We will support English, Chinese, Russian, Japanese and Korean on all our user interfaces. (The most initial release will be in English and Russian only.)

Additional languages will be added over time.

24/7 customer Support:
Instead of providing the customer with a pre-designed scenario, we prefer to share the support and responsibilities that will be shared among our employees and the company so that a specific customer problem can be solved by a designated official on that particular issue.

Security DDoS protection: due to high traffic activity, cryptocurrency exchanges are regularly exposed to DDoS attacks. We use a secure distributed CDN (content delivery network) delivery server network that can successfully download a large number of database requests at any time to support online exchange services 24/7.

Stock audit: our target vulnerability research team will monitor the platform's execution time to prevent any conceivable attacks of defencelessness. We will also think about additional security efforts, as market allocations will evolve in the future.

Encryption and backup. We will use sophisticated encryption strategies and perform data reinforcement on a daily basis to ensure the security of all user data. This approach, combined with a decentralized database, will allow us to provide information to our client even in the direct result, the alleged hypothetical hacker attack.

Two-factor authentication: by applying two-factor authentication over a user name and password to protect users from phishing site and email vulnerability.

Road map:

31 March 2017
Technical and market research on Cryptocurrency exchange begins with a centralized and decentralized exchange of next-generation news.

30 September 2017
The cryptocurrency processing engine is complete and the review begins with a security audit and user interface development.

31 March 2018
Gather a highly skilled development team to share and finalize the lock technology for Fiat coins.
Market research and analysis to plan the initial coin offering. Modification

30 September 2018
Start of private sale August 8, 2018.
Start Airdrop and white listing and registration of KYC for the crowdsale.
Fiat coins in a block chain development and consensus-audit development.

31 December 2018
The preliminary ICo phase begins within two weeks on October 8, 2018, ending on November 7, 2018.
The beginning of the ICO crowdsale November 8, 2018, which ends on 13th December 2018

31 March 2019
Full version of exchange online
The announcement about the relationships with the third-party Trustee on a gold standard and auditing the liquidity reserve.
Wallet and information about the seller.
Official announcement of the sale of an online file sharing merchant

30 June 2019
Extension payment solutions and Gatways on all continents.
Extend the Exchange marketing and scalability of the Coinolix Exchange trading engine.
Beta version of decentralized online sharing for testing.

31 December 2019
Full version of decentralized exchange

Detailed information:

Username profile Btt : Gis15

NanoHealth - Blockchain powered ecosystem of Total Health for Everyone


The NanoHealth workforce participated on the International Blockchain Congress which took location early this month. During the event, the workforce released a blockchain powered healthcare ecosystem known as the NHCT Token.
The Congress was co-hosted via means of the Nucleus Vision team, that's made from Goa and Telengana’s IT and Industry ministry as nicely simply due to the very fact the strategic planning workforce from the Prime Minister’s office. It constructed from a few blockchain funds, professionals as nicely as enthusiasts within the crypto space.
Blockchain Powered Ecosystem

The NHCT token was one among the sponsors of the event, being an ICO pitch participant. It is simply a blockchain powered bionetwork concerned in provision of whole health. It emphasizes in individualizing healthcare for of us and guaranteeing that healthcare techniques aren't only operational, but in addition well-organized.

The ecosystem operates via means of connecting payers, customers as nicely as companies on a single stand, via means of utilizing a three-tier token information protocol to function the fiscal gadget among the participants.

At the start of the conference, NHCT was granted the probability to release their blockchain prototype. Fortunately, they have been succesful to safe their first investment for personal sale, with an marvelous reaction from different of us who took edge within the event.

Creation Of Total Health

Many blockchain enthusiasts as nicely as investors have been in a higher function to understand the worthy the manufacturer brings about. This is in relation to the choices of constructing whole well being that will move a lengthy method in assisting customers to chief wholesome and higher excellent of life.

One of the judges, Irina Litchfield, congratulated the workforce for coming up with an creative healthcare venture which was instrumental in augmenting healthcare within the standard populace. This is simply due to the very fact there are only a few of such tasks accessible on blockchain.

On the moment day of the conference, the NHTC workforce took edge on the ICO pitch, the place again, they have been succesful to safe very certain responses from the participants. The company’s CEO, Manish Ranjan, asserted that the manufacturer has a nice legacy while it involves provision of healthcare services.

This is simply due to the very fact within the contemporary past, they have been succesful to attain nicely over 70,000 people, whereby they handled them for non-communicable diseases like diabetes and cholesterol. The manufacturer works in conjunction with the state government of Telengana, as nicely as different corporates over the previous few years, whereby they provide measurable and trackable well being dashboards for agencies and communities.
According to Praveen Dwarkanath, the top of ecosystem pattern at NanoHealth, they're doing all they'll to guarantee that NHCT is a benchmark ICO. The manufacturer takes pleasure within the reality that no longer like different clinical ICOs, they're the one ones succesful of producing 100 pc certified well being data.

The company’s three-tier token information protocol makes it probably for them to incentivize buyers for every motion they take on the same time they work toward augmenting their whole health, like going bodily actual games and receiving periodical clinical well being checkups.
The NHCT workforce declared within the pitch that the personal investors might get hold of a gratuity as nicely as a unique rate protection. They have been succesful to rake in commitments worthy $2 million for the personal sale period.
Nanohealthcare Token (NHCT) Receives Commitment Of $2 Million In Two Days During Launch

Website: https://nhct.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NanoHealth1
Telegram: https://t.me/Nanohealth
Medium: https://medium.com/nhct-nanohealth-care-token
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GAqoyOxEKgz8CbXUNw7g0HTh95VpvLh7
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4862998.0
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4862998.0

Username profile Btt : Gis15

BRAVO - Another project that you will like!

Hello everybody!

Today I would like to tell you about the project that exists in the market of microtransactions for several years and is actively increasing its turnover. This project is called BRAVO , and it will be discussed today.

Probably each of us came across a situation where an acquaintance, friend or relative asks to throw him money transfer for a few needs.
Of course, you can use a bank transfer, but as practice shows, transfers take a long time, but money is needed now. In addition, not every bank has a convenient and fast mobile application for Internet banking.

Moreover, sometimes we would like that nobody knew about our transaction. There are different life situations.
But I think everyone will agree that by transferring money through the bank we automatically subscribe to the fact that the bank and the state will see our transactions. How and where we spent money and to whom they were sent.

In this case, before the appearance of crypto-currency, the most effective way to remain unnoticed was cash.
Start of project

In 2015, people in the US also faced these issues closely, and it was then that the service BRAVO, which is already active in the United States of America, appeared. 

But this application has a couple of drawbacks.
First , it is possible to work only with dollars, and the transfer of money is carried out in this currency.
Secondly , as it has already been said, all transactions in this system are visible to the state, since at the moment the system does not yet use the technology of blocking.
Thirdly , this application works only in the United States of America.

BRAVO Company is very actively developing and is keeping pace with the times, which is why they decided to become a blockbuster and new technologies.

The company is currently planning to update its existing application for the BVO crypto currency, which will be the main project token.
So, what can you do?

BRAVO as a project is a system of peer-to-peer cashless payments (an analogue of a banking P2P), for people who want to quickly and without excessive information noise transfer money to those who are close to you. Served it will be the own created Bravo Pay system, which is built on Blochein.
You can easily pay off the market for products, transferring money to the seller for his goods. Or, for example, throw a little tea to the waiter. Or pay the priestess of love for her services. Yes, anything! And it's all without a commission! I think it's very cool.
How will this work?

Search for a transfer recipient:
Via the GPS system, BRAVO will find all possible tokens nearby.
In this case, the system will retain your privacy, it will only show the numbers of the purses of people nearby, to which you can transfer tokens.

Reliable payment will be carried out in full volume, quickly and without commission. The guarantor of payment is the block.

Anonymous chat
In the application you can not only transfer money but also communicate with your friends, for example, asking to return a familiar debt, or write to Mom or Papa the phrase "throw off money".

Thus, we see that the company is already creating a stable community around the world, not just in the United States, and it seems to me that this community will only develop with time.
The project team:

The project team consists of many professionals who believe in blocking technology, have been working in finance for many years, and I'm sure they will be able to bring this project to success.


I believe that this project has much to develop. The niche of secure P2P transfers is free. At least in my country for sure. I think that if the project develops as it did before, then its success is 100%. Well, good luck, BRAVO!

Useful links: 
Website of the project: http://bvo.trybravo.com/
Telegram chat: https://t.me/BRAVOPay

Username profile Btt : Gis15

Selasa, 25 September 2018

Financex next generation electronic money exchange

What is Financex?
Financex is dealing with the country's currency: This is the biggest difference with FinanceX. Because transactions can use their own local currency to buy / sel other currencies through multiple types of payments. The FinanceX platform allows users to trade with different systems from multiple countries. This connection will make transactions and electronic funds transfer and fiat easier in the user's land as well as the local currency of other countries.

What is Financex better than other exchanges?
Simple transaction:
Modern, intuitive user interface and simple order process so you can trade from day one

High liquidity:
This platform guarantees high liquidity with stable trading volume creating an attractive playing field in the investment process of traders.

The system is built on the most advanced and stable cloud infrastructure to ensure the highest availability.

Security and privacy:
Secure your information and keep money in your wallet in the deal

Low price:
This platform ensures that players receive competitive therapies and costs compared to those in each country

Transparent fee structure:
We provide a simple fee structure with low rates. No hidden fees


The FinanceX exchange platform allows users to trade in local currencies from multiple countries. This makes trading faster and easier when users can buy / sell electronic money directly instead of using slower and harder methods using intermediaries, such as BTC or ETH. This also means that users can trade from different countries without further difficulty, which makes us different from other exchanges.

FinanceX makes this process easier by allowing users to choose from a variety of payment methods. These include local or international bank transfer, VISA or MasterCard and electronic wallet options (PayPal, Screw, etc.). Moving from fiat to wallet takes about 30 seconds, fiat money withdrawal takes less than 60 minutes compared to transaction time. FinanceX is turning to more convenient transactions than ever before.

Sell ​​token:
FinanceX will issue 900 million FNX alerts.

FNX will be the official trading currency on the FinanceX encrypted trading platform and will provide greater liquidity for the platform.

Round 1 ICO:

Amount: 120 million Token

Price: $ 0.028

Round 2 ICO:

Amount: 110 million Token

Price: $ 0.036

Round 3 of ICO:

Amount: 90 million tokens

Price: $ 0.047



Using FNX for the transaction, users will receive a discount:

First 6 month period: 50%

2nd 6 month period: 20%

Year 2: 15%

Third year: 8.5%

4th Year: 0%


FinanceX was founded and developed by professionals from all over the world such as Japan, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia with over 20 years of experience in finance, information technology and securities exchange.

For more information, please visit the links below:

FINANCEX EXCHANGE: https://financex.io/

Username profile Btt : Gis15

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