Selasa, 13 Maret 2018

Photochain uses blockchain technology to reinvent photostocks around the buyers and the sellers

We are currently living in an innovative age of web 3.0 that allows global human networks, with the help of high information and high data throughput. The use of blocking technology with a peer to peer (p2p) system safely, without the need for a center. This technology opens new horizons for architecture and software applications. It provides a list of secure and verifiable transactions that are available to all users at any given time. With the so-called Smart Contracts, the blockchain ethereum technology opens the possibility of a correct distribution of digital offers using machines. Therefore, the conditions to complete the contract are met only if both parties have complied with the part. Therefore, the machine leaves no room for harmful interference.

With the Photochain p2p platform, we launched a new concept as the next generation of the stock photography platform. We use this technology to perform fair trade p2p between digital works between artists and buyers.

Therefore, the specific use requirements for this platform, safe exchange terms, are simple and fair for both parties. Wait, the artist receives up to 95% of the final sale price.

Project Mission Photochain
Photochain offers a clear advantage over conventional photo stocks for both types of users: taxpayers and customers. Photochain employees benefit from a very low cost: only 5% of the sales price. The opportunity to maintain 95% of the final sale price allows taxpayers to offer their jobs more economically and, consequently, the market becomes more affordable for customers. This type of fair market not only benefits users, but should also benefit the photography industry as a whole, since the possibility of higher revenues contributes to their contribution to better performance.

This profound change in the market is only possible through the use of blockchain technology, Intelligent Contracting, machine learning and the user community of Photochain. Most processes are automated and decentralized, which significantly reduces the costs of governing the platform. It is undeniable that more and more taxpayers and customers stock photography will prefer to use Photochain.

The development of the Photochain platform is an ambitious and growing process organically. Our final goal for this project is in three important branches:
P2P Markets: it is important for us that only the artists themselves can determine the value of their work and that they have the opportunity to offer their work to many potential buyers. Our platform offers this opportunity that is realized through the use of Blockchain technology synergies and machine learning.

The Crypto Economy: the Photochain platform attracts a broad audience that has not yet adopted blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The use case of "Photochain" can attract this audience. The easy-to-use GUI and negotiation process facilitates the integration process and helps Crypto Economy become mainstream.
Digital Photochain copyright chain: DCC: as the project progresses, more artists will be able to reinforce their copyright using the Photochain platform, since their work will be linked to their name. This link is manifested as a transaction in the Ethereal block and, therefore, is visible to all users at any time. This means that the artist's property of the image can be counted. The databases with all the tangible links have been built in a decentralized manner.
Photochain platform
With all existing stock photography platforms, the only way to ensure the security of transactions is through central control. In comparison, we created a platform that works independently, safely and efficiently based on established rules.

We are developing DApp Photochain in blockchain Ethereum. In addition, Photochain also uses computer vision (machine learning) to meet the requirements of certain archival photography technology.

DApp is a platform where artists have the opportunity to sell their work to a wide audience at a price they charge, and where the seller is also totally responsible for the work they themselves sell. The Photochain team has no responsibility or liability for the seller's illegal behavior. This means that the artist is responsible for the legality of the work he is selling and is fully responsible for any illegal activity. Photochain, however, will maintain the protection of the user's copyright by preventing the sale of unauthorized photographs.

Excellence of this platform:
  • Security Blockchain allows secure and verifiable transactions for buyers and sellers alike. You can trust your work safely.
  • Decentralization digital work is encrypted and stored in a decentralized database. There is no main business that controls the photography that it loads.
  • Content DApp will be used exclusively for the photography trade. We use robots to ensure that only acceptable content is included.
  • Copyright: your work is permanently associated with your identity throughout the blockchain.
  • This and automatic learning plus our active community protect you from cheating.
PHOTON files (IPM) 
PHOTON tokens are useful tools used in the Photochain Ecosystem. Any type of transaction on the platform will require the use of PHOTON Tokens.The use case of the Token photon is:
Access to the Photochain platform service
  • Respect the settlement of claims
  • Put it in the "Featured Photographer" - section
  • Delivery services from Photochain partners (such as our 1World partners)
  • It is displayed in search results
  • Other microservices, which will facilitate the Photochain ecosystem in the future
Award system
For the photographer and his services
The number of PHOTON tokens will be strictly limited by the established Hard Cap. After Crowdsale, an additional 21% of the PHOTON tokens will be reserved for teams, advisory boards, Photochain partners and legals. After this event, no other PHOTON tokens will be issued.
  • Details of token sales Token sales 
  • schedule from March 25 to May 25, 2018 
  • Token purchase Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin 
  • Token price 5,882 PHT / 1 ETH 
  • Total supply token 230,000,000 PHT
  1. Stanislav Stolberg - Co-Founder, CEO 
  2. Arthur Ishmetev - Blockchain Developer 
  3. Haris Rana - CMO 
  4. Ralf Gerteis - Business Development 
  5. Jakub StefaƄski - CTO 
  6. Dr. Jeannette Heinert - Communications 
  7. Alexander Sverdlov - Security Advisor 
  8. Brian Colwell - Blockchain Evangelist 
  9. Dylan Sharkey - Evangelist Blockchain 
  10. Samuel Manzanera - Software and Technology Architecture Analyst 
  11. Peter Lai - Blockchain Developer
  1. Sven Moeller - ICO Strategy Advisor 
  2. Paulo Renato Dallagnol - Legal Counsel 
  3. Charles Becquet - Strategy 
  4. Chang Liu - Assoc. Prof. at the University of Ohio 
  5. Alex Fedosseev - Counselor
For more information:

Twitter: https: // twitter. com / photochain_io

Username profile BTT : Gis15

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