Hello all, on this blog I will elaborate on the Hero project The future of banking in Southeast Asia, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:
What is a Hero?
Heroes is the future of banks that provide secured loans to consumers without bank accounts and are not tied up throughout Southeast Asia. With the launch of a crypto unit of its currency called Token heroes, HERO intends to expand its loan without collateral based on blockchain-. Supported by venture capitalists such as Softbank, Alibaba and 500 Startups, the organization started operations in the Philippines in 2015 and has since helped thousands of Filipinos gain access to affordable credit.
What is Token Hero?
HERO was built as a sign of ERC20 on the Ethereal blockchain and identified through the ticker symbol Hero. The token sale of an event in which the crypto-eye project sells a portion of tokens for early adopters and fans in return for funds.
Token Hero allows people to participate in PawnHero's success stories, rather than limiting the amount of small and elected traditional small business capital funds. By issuing Hero tokens, tokenholders will benefit from the success of PawnHero in the future. Token sales are fast, transparent and efficient for this purpose appropriately.
How do I benefit from a token?
Heroes have been created to generate positive financial and social impacts. A hero's token is the right to receive a gift, which is part of the earned interest income. All aggregate tokens are entitled to receive up to 20% of interest income. The token will be pro rata against the funds granted during the sale of the mark. Up to 20% of the distributed interest income is transferred to certain Ethereal wallets (ETTH) every three months. ETH is then distributed to all holders of Hero tokens in accordance with the conditions of smart contracts (i.e., the proportionate share of interest income earned from the tokens owned). Long-term heroes will try to distribute rewards in a shorter time, with monthly rewards. target distribution In addition,
Hero tokens are strategically designed to add value to the Hero network:
a.Reward bearing token that generates interest income
b.Social impacts help accessible accessible credit in income.Buy back: The company can use the percentage of profit to buy tokens from the heroes of the open market at prevailing market prices, because the token value should be more positively correlated with the success of the project.
Hero's mission is to revolutionize the banking industry to make credit more readily available and affordable to not have a bank account or underbanked, starting in Southeast Asia. What Hero Hero Tokens have been created to make financial and social impacts. A hero's token is the right to receive a gift, which is part of the earned interest income. It does not represent equity in the company or has intrinsic value. All aggregate tokens are entitled to receive up to 20% of interest income.
Token investor strategy token is designed to add value to the Hero network:
Reward bearing tokens that generate interest income
Social impacts help access to underserved credit
Buy return: Firms can use the percentage of profit for buyers' token buybacks from the open market at prevailing market prices, so the token value should be more. positively correlated with project success.
Payment structure Up to 20% of distributed interest income is transferred to certain Ethereal wallets (ETTH) every three months. The ETH is then distributed to all Hero token holders in accordance with the conditions of the smart contract (ie the interest income share earned pro-rate token held).
Symbol: HERO
Total Supply
The advanced era with technology that rapidly improves the progress in the field of banking management, so competition in the financial industry increasingly tight competition for transaction needs of course more sophisticated, more modern and increasingly facilitate the community in using banking products. And of course this is needed and anticipated by some business actors to be more confident in the field of trade transactions in the real world and cyberspace because of the availability of facilities that facilitate the conduct of business activities.
One of Crypto's banking industry to add convenience in terms of financial transactions, supported by a solid, transparent and responsible teamwork team that is very suited to this company that develops and offers a very attractive platform. Https://herotoken.io/
What Hero Hero Tokens have been created to make financial and social impacts. A hero's token is the right to receive a gift, which is part of the earned interest income. It does not represent equity in the company or has intrinsic value. All aggregate tokens are entitled to receive up to 20% of interest income.
Price Hero Hero Token
1 equals 0.005 ETH (1 ETH will buy 200 tokens hero) Accepted Cryptocurrencies Ethereal (ETH) ETH Classic, BitCoin (BTC) Ripple, litecoin, Wave
Structure Token
a hero's income opportunity is present for those holding the Hero tokens. Individuals get real appreciation that directly correlates with their contribution. The reward will be dollar and liquid.

Bonus Offered at Pre Launching

Some Resources For Reference:
Username profile BTT : Gis15
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